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Comment Feed:


12 May 2006

What's the best method of self-destruction? I'm thinking of boring myself to death.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 10:14
I hear this new Internet they've got can do a man in.
posted by Capn 12 May | 10:16
Not kitten destruction, Hugh. Read carefully.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:16
How about Eyes Wide Shut, then.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 10:18
You could be driven mad by your art, that's always a good way to go.
posted by Capn 12 May | 10:21
I don't have an art. So that's out.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:23
I thought drinking was your art.
posted by small_ruminant 12 May | 10:25
That's strictly paint-by-numbers.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:26
How 'bout the old fake insurance scam death tragically turns in to real death?
posted by Capn 12 May | 10:27
I'm uninsured (or I'm about to be at any rate).
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:28
I'm starting to think you're just making excuses.
posted by Capn 12 May | 10:29
I was always partial to the idea of getting involved in a love triangle with a psycho killer, myself. That way, at least you'd be assured of some mind blowing sex before getting stabbed and gory in the shower.
posted by Specklet 12 May | 10:30
Oh, I like that one Capn. Other options include the most mundane deaths, like I, most of the deaths featured on "Dead Like Me".
posted by richat 12 May | 10:30
um . . .this?
posted by jelly 12 May | 10:32
Jon, all the "about to be uninsured" means is that you have to hurry is all. Maybe you could date a mobster's daughter? Great story I heard when I lived in Hamiton, ON:
The body of a young man was pulled out of the Hamilton harbour. Turns out the deceased was a young man who had had his junk cut off and stuffed down his through prior to being dragged (they figured) behind a boat for some time. If that wasn't odd enough, it turns out the deceased had been dating the daughter of one of Hamilton's Italian community, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

The police ruled it a suicide apparently.
posted by richat 12 May | 10:35
What's wrong with slow-and-steady? It seems like it suits you.
posted by box 12 May | 10:45
Well, here in the cube, there's a hugely cold draft blowing directly at where I'm sitting. Perhaps I could strip, douse myself with ide water and stand in it's path until I catch pneumonia.

What's wrong with slow-and-steady?

I'm feeling very towering inferno today, only stupider and more pointless. I need large infusions of boilermakers.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:47
I suppose working yourself to death is out of the question?
posted by Capn 12 May | 10:48
Remember my guilt-ridden, meeting-calling bar-stealing department manager? She's out for a week getting a tonsillectomy. If I'm lucky someone will switch her paperwork and she'll be confused with a cadaver. A man can dream.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 10:50
Hey, just make sure when they try and take over the bar, you tell us when, and we can schedule the Janus family reunion there, too. Elbow room, ya got el-bow room, macaroni!

And those ill-wishes are paving stones on your personal path to hell, man. My friends are gonna be there, too.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 11:01
Also, all bands who think they are being "artistic," and "indie," or transgressive or what the fuck ever when they print their liner notes in unreadable fonts and colors or with cutesy words, you're not. You're just being pretentious pains in the asses and making life difficult for a poor working slug who has to type it in. Same with stupid long remix titles on techno albums, and rap songs with too many fucking guest stars.

posted by jonmc 12 May | 11:05
and colors or with cutesy words, you're not

X-cept 4 Prince, right?
posted by Capn 12 May | 11:14
Well, dang, I love you too.

*stomps off in a creative huff, returns with cilantro, and smothers jonmc with it, solving the problem.*

posted by bunnyfire 12 May | 11:20
Just Because.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 11:26
piss off a panda
posted by ethylene 12 May | 11:26
Wasn't there a short story about a guy who tried to bore himself to death, or who died of boredom?

Because, if not, I want to write that story. Suicide through boredom.
posted by Eideteker 12 May | 11:32
learn programming > create robot > program robot to kill you.
posted by Hellbient 12 May | 11:32
This one too.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 11:33
Taste a camel's bootyhole?
posted by Divine_Wino 12 May | 11:44
Borrow lots of money from 6 or 7 different loansharks. Have a good time. Wait.
posted by warbaby 12 May | 12:09
posted by danf 12 May | 12:16
Dress up in bunny costume. Go to mygothlaundry's house. Wait.
posted by SassHat 12 May | 12:23
lol, Sasshat!
posted by taz 12 May | 12:35
Wasn't there a short story about a guy who tried to bore himself to death, or who died of boredom?

I don't know about the short story you mention, but Dunbar in Catch-22 tried to prolong his life through boredom based on the idea that time flies when you're having fun.
posted by mullacc 12 May | 12:53
That was one of the funnier IE bits I've seen, danf. Thanks.
posted by Eideteker 12 May | 12:56
Suicide pact?

It's you and me together, baby!

(I hear they have a nice Barbi-Q in hell...)

*makes devil horns*
posted by Pips 12 May | 13:09
pips, you're too good for him
just get him to fill out the life insurance forms--
posted by ethylene 12 May | 13:10
"She's got such a sweet smile, but you know she's trouble."

That's what the bartender at the Remote Sports Bar said about Pips. Or something to that effect, right?
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 13:17
I'm Catholic, Pips. I'll be in purgatory for a thousand years instead, which is kind of like New Jersey, I imagine.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 13:19
Complete and total honesty.

posted by black8 12 May | 15:48
According to my theology teacher/pastor (a former Catholic)there is no Purgatory. Sorry.

If there was one, I'd light a candle for you, though.

And no need to go to Hell for good barbecue. Just come down here to NC and I'll get my daughter to fix you a plate (she works at the local Barbecue Hut.) MMMMMMmmmmmmm!
posted by bunnyfire 12 May | 19:32
Borrow far too much money from five or six loan sharks. Throw big party. Wait.
posted by warbaby 13 May | 09:09
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