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Comment Feed:


12 May 2006

What is everyone doing this weekend? [More:]Quick, I need good weekend ideas.
I'm unpacking, working, and waxing the snatch (didn't get to it last weekend).

Sorry TPS, but none of those are good weekend ideas.

Oh! And going bra shopping, but you've done that recently.
posted by Specklet 12 May | 13:42
Um... tomorrow I'm playing in a concert (on one rehearsal, on the day!), Sunday I'm going to visit my boyfriend for a couple of days. I'm a student, and the current lack of lectures (it's exam season, boo) mean that my weeks have become pretty much totally unstructured.
posted by Lotto 12 May | 13:44
I already have a few fun things on the schedule- street fair + brunch tomorrow, a play on Sunday. I need fun Friday and Saturday night things. I have rehearsal tonight, which cuts a chunk out of my time, and tomorrow night my ex invited me to a party but I don't want to go to a party with him and sit around with his friends. Not having to go to constant parties with his friends was one reason I was glad we broke up.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 May | 13:47
I am working, mr. g is studying for the most part.
It's going to be a boring weekend, and hopefully an inexpensive one.

/me is broke from Vegas
posted by gaspode 12 May | 13:53
Tonight I'm having a calzone and some beer, and watching Harvey and Donnie Darko with some pals. Tomorrow I'm going to the park during the day, and maybe taking a nap and/or going hammock shopping, and probably hanging out with some other pals, very possibly smoking a lot and playing board games. I'm not sure about Sunday. Also, sometime during the weekend I'm going to play Brain Age for the first time, continue reading Homicide: Life on the Street for the second time, listen to the new Nomo album repeatedly, cut my hair, do laundry and drink Bossa Nova acai juice, which I'm totally consumed with lately.
posted by box 12 May | 13:56
A quiet one. I'm still not allowed to drive, but tomorrow is FA Cup Final Day, and I want West Ham to win (Teddy Sheringham, hero, lives up the road). So I'll be watching the game on TV.

It looks as if it's going to rain fairly heavily, so it'll be a couple of days pottering round here, a few walks if the weather's ok, and if one of the rare buses shows up, I might even take it to a place that has some shops!!
posted by essexjan 12 May | 13:59
I just googled that Bossa Nova juice. It sounds absolutely fab.
posted by essexjan 12 May | 14:00
Great bunny-related double feature, box!

Tonight: Making garlic pasta, watching LOST, probably some sex.
Tomorrow: Probably some morning sex, then driving up into the mountains for a day trip, doing some photography, then hopefully making out by a waterfall, driving back home, hopefully some more sex.
Sunday: Who knows?
posted by matildaben 12 May | 14:01
Naked Drinking and mp3 listening.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 14:03
I want matildaben's weekend.

Tonight a drink or two and then some BBC Coupling on DVD with a bowl or two (or three) at home with just me and the dogs.

Tomorrow, Yankees day game. Then maybe out with a girlfriend.

Sunday, possibly brunch with 'pode. Then lounging and lamenting work on Monday.
posted by Lola_G 12 May | 14:04
Tonight my wife, daughter, and I are going to see Lawrence of Arabia at the Dolby Screening room. Tomorrow same daughter has a morning soccer game, and then I simply MUST do some gardening - the weeds are seriously out of control - if only waxing worked for gardens!!! Maybe some more earthquake proofing on Sunday? Got some changes to make in a database also that I'll get to sometime over the weekend...

Oh, in our mission to catch up on Lost, we're up to disk 5 of season 1 (just watched "Numbers" last night), so we'll want to plow through that disk too.
posted by Jasper 12 May | 14:11
Heh I didn't want to mention brunch in case you thought I was pressuring you there Lola.

Sunday: possibly brunch with Lola_G.
posted by gaspode 12 May | 14:12
My SO's out of town! Partay!
So my big plan is to do guy stuff, but I'll probably just end up cleaning up, making music, fixing up my bike, maybe some poker.
But Sunday, Sunday I'm going to the Nets/Heat game. Haven't been to an NBA game in years, I'm pretty excited.
But wait, it's not over. I have Monday off too. That day I'll be getting bridge work done at the dentist! Fuck yeah!
posted by Hellbient 12 May | 14:12
oh! and Mother's Day!!! hopefully the kids have got something going for Sunday!!!
posted by Jasper 12 May | 14:13
Bowling with Cin's cow-orkers tonight, dinner at some friends' house tomorrow (it was supposed to be a deck party, but it's in the 40s and 50s in Chicago right now -- thanks Canada! -- so we'll be indoors), dinner with the family for Mothers Day Sunday.
posted by me3dia 12 May | 14:13
Tonight: Going to see the Mogwai show.
Saturday: A friend is throwing a party.
Sunday: Look at a possible new apartment.

If the printer would write me back with my FTP details, then I could safely say I will not be obsessively tweaking my files all the way 'til monday, but I will instead be engaged in the process of worrying about my files in the hands of others. Please write me back printer people!

Question: is it worth it to pay more for better customer support, when the more could be like $500? If say, the baseline costs / investment is in the $1400 range?
posted by safetyfork 12 May | 14:17
Tonight, my roomate's MFA show opening show thing opening. Tomorrow night, seeing Danielson (weird and shrieky Christian music) at Northsix. Sunday, half-marathon.
posted by unknowncommand 12 May | 14:22
Drop off night at the YMCA, baby! I hand them my kid, pay them $20 bucks and for the next four hours she goes swimming, does crafts and eats cupcakes while the mister and I eat dinner at a fancy restaurant and have a conversation uninterrupted with questions about feathered dinosaurs of China. Everybody wins.
posted by jrossi4r 12 May | 14:23
That sounds fun, jrossi4r! Can I go too? (to the YMCA, not to dinner)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 May | 14:31
"Waxing the snatch" is the filthiest phrase I've heard in a long time. Thank you.
posted by fandango_matt 12 May | 14:31
You'd be a total hit! What kid wouldn't want a visit from The Pink Superhero?
posted by jrossi4r 12 May | 14:36
And also, Specklet, good luck with the beaver rasslin'!
posted by jrossi4r 12 May | 14:38
Tonight: date with the roommates, event to be determined
Saturday night: Indian food and Toronto Symphony Orchestra date with former roommate and another friend
Sunday: possibly drinking with a boy I know from back home, whom I have been trying to see since FEBRUARY. I am not counting on it. Boys, pfft.
posted by heatherann 12 May | 14:39
Sleeping, getting my car washed, taking people on test drives of my car (maybe), taking photos of my kitchen stuff, sleeping, sleeping, researching health insurance, calling my mom, feeling guilty, sleeping, packing, feeling sad, sleeping.

Possibly I will make real popcorn with real butter and watch a movie. Or maybe I will go to my favorite coffeeshop to eat carrot cake and write a story for this (seemingly defunct) online writer's workshop I'm in.

Or maybe just sleep. Curling up and sleeping is good.
posted by Fuzzbean 12 May | 14:40
playing kickball.
flying from LA to Bristol, CT.
posted by drjimmy11 12 May | 14:44
Kids like me, I'm neat. I know a lot of fun games, I like to scream real loud, and I'm big enough to grab them by their arms and swing them around and around, or to lay on the ground and let them lay on my feet as I lift them up and they fly like Superman.

This reminds me of the AskMeta thread, where I begged the asker to PLEASE take me to the American Girl store with them.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 May | 14:45
Dear Specklet, Respeckletfully, do you wrastle your own beaver, or visit the professional beaver wrastlers? Just curious. In fact, make that a question for the general population. I think Specklet will answer though, I don't know who else would be inclined.
posted by rainbaby 12 May | 14:50
Tonight: watching Doctor Who and drinking beer with a friend. The rest of the weekend: packing so that I can move into my new apartment on Tuesday!
posted by smich 12 May | 14:54
Hehe, I just told somebody on Metatalk to suck it. I love Friday.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 May | 14:54
I used to have a cap from a minor league baseball team called the Portland Beavers. I'd give a lot to have that hat again.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 14:54
I am considering adding something else to my list, gardening sounds so unexciting.

I know, I'll Shave the Snake.
jonmc: Why don't you ask one of our lovely Portland Bunnies to pick one up for you? Or is it not Portland, OR?
posted by Lola_G 12 May | 15:05
Going down to Springfield, IL for an exhibition bout. Other than that, just missing my wife like crazy while she's out of town.
posted by eamondaly 12 May | 15:06
Rainbaby: I cannot speak for Specklet but it is my tested opinion that beavers should only be wrassled by professional, specially trained beaver wrasslers. Beaver wrassling is a dangerous and painful job and should not be attempted by an amateur.

It is worth every penny to get a beaver professionally wrassled. I have attempted to wrassle beavers independently and it is an endeavor doomed to failure.

This has been your moment of TMI.
posted by Fuzzbean 12 May | 15:06

Huh. I googled snake shaving and found this.

I like "girl sleeping on boobs"

"great white shark"

and "squirrel in love"

that site is NSFW bigtime.
I don't think the team exists anymore, Lola. and yeah, it's Oregon. Portland, maine has the Sea Dogs.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 15:08
Seriously, amateur beaver wrassling is ultra dangerous.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 May | 15:10
Well if anyone can do it, it'd be Specklet, hu?

I assumed she meant the pros last weekend, but this time the wording made me wonder.

Perhaps I have too much free time.
posted by rainbaby 12 May | 15:14
Beavers! Lookin' plain!
posted by jrossi4r 12 May | 15:15
weretable, that site is bookmarked. Thanks, mate.
posted by essexjan 12 May | 15:20
Jon: Was it one of these, or one of these, or this one? If not, I can think of a couple places that make custom caps.
posted by box 12 May | 15:23
This weekend includes more furious projector building for the gig next Friday, a tree rescue of propping up branches on a 100+ year old apple tree, damaged goods sale at Grizzly Tools, shampoo and polymerize the landyacht (I was going to say wax, but the speck has preempted that word), Lord only knows what else. Busy, busy, busy.

Here's an update on the Minutemen fandango two weeks ago.
posted by warbaby 12 May | 15:31
That's the team, box, but the cap had a picture of a beaver in a baseball uniform swinging a bat. Perhaps they changed it because that design was too Freudian.
posted by jonmc 12 May | 15:32
These folks make lots of custom caps for long-defunct teams and logos and whatnot--if anyone could help you out, I suspect they might be the ones.
posted by box 12 May | 15:51
Jon, the Beavers are alvie and kicking, and you can go see them at PGE Park downtown!

Official hats here, but can be found in many stores around town. If you're nice to me, I'll try and find you one like you've described...

Dear Specklet, Respeckletfully, do you wrastle your own beaver, or visit the professional beaver wrastlers?

I actually rassle my own beaver. It takes time and patience and a glass of wine or three, but it's not too bad. The professional beaver rasslers are good, but I do a more thorough job and it's easier to make appointments with myself. Plus, I'd be embarrased to asks someone to give me a Brazilian (I know that's silly but I am). Plus, I'm always low on funds and have a hard time justifying paying someone to do something I can do myself.

Incidentally, the front of my shins are worse to wax than my cootchie area. Just sayin'.

I think Specklet will answer though,
Yeah, I'll basically answer anything you ask me. I'm not realy shy that way.
posted by Specklet 12 May | 15:55
Um, okay. Well, I'm not doing anything beaver-related, just going to the NY State regatta in Saratoga Springs where I'll be all weekend, taking photos and cheering on my daughter's club. Since it looks like rain, this should be an interesting couple of days.
posted by tommasz 12 May | 16:00
I'm supposed to hang with matildaben this weekend. Not sure what she has in mind.
posted by LarryC 12 May | 16:02
Hehe, I just told somebody on Metatalk to suck it. I love Friday.

You're becoming quite controversial on MeTa. I made a lame attempt to defend you yesterday in the magic thread.

I was trying to think of a defense this time, but mathowie closed it too soon. Though I was having a tough time. If MeTa was run by me if you be total cronyism - I would allow you to post that because I know you, but I wouldn't allow other people (and especially not people outside of NYC).
posted by mullacc 12 May | 16:34
If MeTa was run by me if you it would be total cronyism.

I'm an idiot.
posted by mullacc 12 May | 16:35
All day intensive photoshop workshop tomorrow, woot. Other than that, nada, nothing, rien, except for gardening, which is an every day deal this time of year.
posted by mygothlaundry 12 May | 16:37
I'm graduating on Sunday, and driving to Texas on Monday. So y'all won't hear from me for awhile (though I might stop in tomorrow and say a proper goodbye).

and especially not people outside of NYC
posted by muddgirl 12 May | 17:43
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be NYC elitist there. I meant that I wouldn't allow people to post who I didn't know AND weren't from NYC.
posted by mullacc 12 May | 17:48
Congratulations, muddgirl!!!
posted by jrossi4r 12 May | 20:31
I knew it! Thanks for answering, Specklet. You cool.
posted by rainbaby 13 May | 05:59
NYC Bunnies, prepare to reprazent, bitches! || If you're having a day like mine ...