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Comment Feed:


11 May 2006

Dotted... sympathy posts seem to have overwhelmed MeFi I canna post a link, Cap'n, as the site stopped responding. However, while reading all of the "." posts on the last thread in MeTalk, I noticed that MeFi went down and never came back up...
I really don't like the whole dot thing.
posted by Divine_Wino 11 May | 22:01
It's nothing to do with the dots - MeFi falls over all the time.
posted by dg 11 May | 22:21
DW is racist against sympathy dots.
I have lots of dot friends.
posted by Divine_Wino 11 May | 22:33
"Little Dot" was one of my favorite girl comics when I was a kid. She was pretty much obsessive-compulsive by contemporary standards, but I have to say I liked her style.
posted by scody 12 May | 01:00
I really don't like the whole judging how people choose to memorialize people thing.
posted by danostuporstar 12 May | 07:25
I really don't like the whole judging how others judge thing.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 08:06
I said I don't like it dano lad, not that it was not to be done by others OR (god help us) the even more hopeless and infantile "that it was stupid and should be stopped on my say so" (the classic mefi party line), 'cause I'm not a real authority fetishist - everybody with me type. I just don't like it. Dot away in good health and long life.
posted by Divine_Wino 12 May | 08:35
And I didn't say you said those bits. I was reacting to a whole camp of comments, of which yours was just one. Carry on and donut friday.
posted by danostuporstar 12 May | 08:48
Hey, and I'm just being a schmuck; don't mind me.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 09:53
Ok Dano,
I wasn't judging anyone, so someone else needs to be the camp commendant.

All the way to the wall che, you know the number.
posted by Divine_Wino 12 May | 10:03
I really don't like the whole "Hey, that's just my opinion, you do whatever you want", thing.
posted by signal 12 May | 10:10
Oh yeah, well I really don't like the "I really don't like..." thing.
posted by Hugh Janus 12 May | 10:13
Y'all start behaving or y'all will have to stand in corners with your noses stuffed into 'em!
posted by deborah 12 May | 15:39
"I can't believe this is funny to people. || Radio Lipstick The Sticky Kid....Featuring Some New Muzeek!