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Comment Feed:


10 May 2006

What's your favorite rainy day activity?
Hot chocolate/tea and a book and a fuzzy blanket. Cider works too.

Oh, and baking chocolate chip cookies on a rainy day is pure heaven.
posted by Fuzzbean 10 May | 09:38
Taking naps with my dog.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 10 May | 09:46
Snuggling under a warm blanket and reading with tea or other warm beverage. Or watching funny movies.
posted by LunaticFringe 10 May | 09:51
I like vacuuming. And making hearty soups.
posted by initapplette 10 May | 09:52
Couch. Blanky. Tea. Book.
posted by gaspode 10 May | 09:53
That's four entire months in Seattle.
posted by matildaben 10 May | 10:02
I like watching movies, or getting lost in a first person shooter, loaded up on god cheats, so I don't have to worry about dying, or ammo.

That made me laugh, mat. Ah, memories of living in Vancouver...
posted by richat 10 May | 10:07
richat, I don't think I understand most of your first sentence. Is that video game jargon?
Puzzled in Cambridge,
posted by initapplette 10 May | 10:46
I like biking in the rain. Or soccer. Or walks.

I love rain (and loved Vancouver in the wintertime).
posted by bonehead 10 May | 11:08
Not to answer for richat, but yes. Let me translate: I like watching movies, or playing a particular kind of videogame (typified by Doom, Halo, etc.) in which the player views the action through the eyes of the protagonist, and runs around shooting things. These games are especially amusing when I adjust the configuration options so that my in-game alter ego is both invincible to damage (from falling into pits of lava, being attacked by other characters, etc.) and possessed of an unlimited supply of ammunition.
posted by box 10 May | 11:36
I'm with bonehead, I love walking in the rain.

Went downtown, is just to ease my pain,
I ended up out walkin' in the rain.
Took my pistol and a hunnit dolla' bill;
Had ev'ythin' I need to get me kilt.
posted by Hugh Janus 10 May | 12:06
I don't distinguish rainy day activities. Being from Portland, these are the rule, not the exception. Therefore, pretty much every activity is a rainy day activity. Now, sunny days, that's a different story. In college, we'd have a "sunny day keg" on the porch of the Student Union, on rare times when the sun visited.
posted by pieisexactlythree 10 May | 12:11
/me kicks back on the steps of the SU, toasts pi for "sunny day keg" reference.
posted by Triode 10 May | 12:41
Sex. I can't be the only one?
posted by stilicho 10 May | 13:33
Sleeping. And sex.

I don't think I could live in Portland or Seattle. I need the sun too much. Rain turns me into a gargoyle.
posted by chewatadistance 10 May | 13:47
Thanks for the translation, box! I thought that's what was going on there ...
posted by initapplette 10 May | 14:28
@box - ha! Perfect translation!

I like to nap, read, watch movies and/or play EverQuest.
posted by deborah 10 May | 14:42
Is it possible to actually be allergic to your office? || Where I Live