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Comment Feed:


09 May 2006

Playstation 3 $500 for the CHEAP version of the console. I believe I will be passing on the next-gen gaming consoles for a few years.
This sucks. Consoles are too expensive and the games are too expensive. With the cost of the games, they should just give the consoles away.

Is that a photo of it? The controller is exactly the same as the PS2 controller?
posted by iconomy 09 May | 13:02
Not to mention that the $500 version is permanently crippled.

I'm not really sure who is intended to buy that device, other than rabid brand loyalists or people who believe that Blu-Ray is going to be the dominant high-definition DVD standard (in which case you'll want the $600 version anyway). I'm a single male with lots and lots of disposable income--if I'm not in the target market for the console, who is?

On preview, @iconomy--the PS3 controller has motion detection sensors (which are apparently rudimentary compared to the Wii's sensors), but at the cost of rumble, which is being removed. My guess is those motion sensors will almost never be used in games, much like the analog buttons in the Dual Shock 2. (Most people don't even know those buttons are analog.)
posted by Prospero 09 May | 13:07
I dunno, Nintendo's making out like they're getting off the "faster, shinier, brighter" treadmill with the Wii (wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!) and being all "well, we're going to try making games that are *fun*" If they're serious, it could be interesting.
posted by Capn 09 May | 13:14
As long as GuitarHero II hits the PS2, I ain't upgradin' for nothin'.
posted by eamondaly 09 May | 13:22
Huh. I never used rumble anyway - it always scares the living hell out of me. I have the feeling you're right about the motion detection sensors hardly being utilized, though.

No more gimmicks, just good games, hey?
posted by iconomy 09 May | 13:24
My Atari 2600 cost me $80 on eBay and came with more than a dozen games.
posted by me3dia 09 May | 13:31
A coworker gave me her SNES yesterday and I've restored my 8bit NES to fighting trim. I'm content.
posted by sciurus 09 May | 13:34
We have a GameCube, a SNES, an Xbox, and a PlayStation 2.

But I want to play new games. Sucks to be a parent with things like college to pay for.
posted by iconomy 09 May | 13:42
@eamondaly--maybe you already know this, but GH2 is due out in November. It looks as if it will be greatly improved over the first.
posted by Prospero 09 May | 13:45
I've mostly been playing DS lately.

Anyway, though, the PS3? The new controller's also allegedly lighter, and I believe wireless. Not that either of those things make a $600 console any cheaper.

I hope that Sony stops producing DVDs, and tries to use Blu-Ray as a lever to spur PS3 sales. Then again, I don't like Sony, and I like watching slow-motion trainwrecks.
posted by box 09 May | 13:46
Also, $80 for a 2600 and a dozen games? I'm sitting on a freaking goldmine here.
posted by box 09 May | 13:46
I made a decision a while ago that I don't need to be all up in the latest and greatest. If a game is good today, it'll still be good in a year or two.

I bought a used Xbox last month for 150 Canadian clams, and Half Life 2 for it for $14 yesterday.

posted by Capn 09 May | 13:50
I think the psx was around $400 when it came out and yes, I paid for it. It was worth it though. Now? Not so much.
posted by puke & cry 09 May | 13:51
You can buy one of those (probably illegal?) little gameboxes that you plug into your TV on the street for $20 that has all the old video games, including Mario. Oh, Mario ::sigh:: Is it wrong that I really want one?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 13:59
I have that too - it's fun.
posted by iconomy 09 May | 14:00
I have one too. Endless fun.
posted by puke & cry 09 May | 14:07
It really is fun? And you can play the game all the way through? I always worried I'd buy it, take it home, and it's only one round....
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 14:10
If you want to play old games, you could always emulate them. SNES/NES/SMS/Genesis/Neo Geo/arcade and much more can be played on your computer. You can buy an adpater and use a game console controller even. Plus with a video card with video out, you can play them on the TV through the computer. Woo.
An ADPATER, yes! *gives TPS an ADPATER*
I am so buying one of those little boxes on the street TONIGHT.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 14:20
Definitely illegal. Not the kind of illegal that will get you thrown in jail--more like the kind of illegal that dissuades folks from using

(And, as long as you're breaking the law anyway, why not save twenty bucks and consider emulation?)

On preview: Ah, weretable. You prowl the moors of my heart.
posted by box 09 May | 14:20
Hmmm, no, I definitely just want to go the easy route and break the law. Yaaay!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 14:24
Hmmm, no, I definitely just want to go the easy route and break the law. Yaaay!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 14:25
HD-DVD machines and discs are already hitting the street, and may be nearly affordable by Christmas. Smells like Blu Ray is going to be in the same box as betamax and Minidisc (yes, yes, minidisc lasted much longer than beta and you can even still get decks and blank media, but it never really widely caught on as a distribution format).
posted by PinkStainlessTail 09 May | 14:29
And yeah, I want a PS3. Badly.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 09 May | 14:35
hugs 5 yo XP1800+ kitted with a past-prime 6600GT

My computer is kinda like that model who was a little too plain to make it big and now is at the age where they have to consider reimaging themselves and do something else.
posted by porpoise 09 May | 14:37
Well Pinky, buy your illegal box if you want, but remember they have a limited number of games where if you went the emulation route you could find ANY game you wanted. NES games are quite small too.
I've never bought a Sony Console. I hope this kills their console biz (it won't). What the hell; I've been Nintendo loyal since the NES, and only bought a DC when Sega announced they were getting out of the console biz. That said, I'd love to play some of the racing games on the PS2 (I hear the gran turismo games are good, and TT for motorcycle racing fun). But Sony is the goddamned devil. I'll emulate everything ten years from now anyway.

TPS, if you download FCEU, I will send you any games you want.
posted by Eideteker 09 May | 14:56
I have a Mac, Eideteker.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 15:09
Oh, there is a Mac port of FCEU on that page I linked and some other Mac NES emus. And here you can get SNES emus (I can supply the games). If you want emus for other systems you can find them too, there are a few emus not available on Mac but a good portion of them have ports and there are a few good Mac-only emus as well.
I already bought my $20 plug in. It claims to have 76,000 games! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 17:53
I know what you are talking about. It actually has 76 games.
HAHHAHA but the menu lists 76,000! (I thought I saw a few repeats).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 20:07
A year before the US release, I paid $400 for a grey-market/JDM Dreamcast, and another $100 for Power Stone and Sega Rally 2. They were great games, and the cost/fun ratio was deep into the positive.

However - Super Mario World is still the greatest game of all time. All hail Shigeru Miyamoto!
posted by Triode 09 May | 20:11
The Wiiiiiiiiiiiii! is going to be affordable I believe, at least compared to the other consoles. Nintendo is really trying to tap the potentially very profitable market of non-gamer gamers, so keeping their stuff affordable is a high priority for them at the moment.

I don't mean to be a Nintendo fangirl, but apart from Kingdom Hearts and one or two other titles on the ps2, most of games I really play are on Nintendo systems. *shrugs* I just buy games that look like they'll be fun.

So until there's a game that comes out that makes buying $500+ system worth it, I doubt I'll be getting a PS3. Though I don't plan on getting a Wii when it launches, now until it has a good library of games on it. (although the whole virtual console thing makes me tempted to grab it ASAP)

But I like getting stuff for cheap too, which is another reason not to buy. I bought my PS2 when the slim version came out for $120 (and that was only after the used one I bought for $100 was busted), my Gamecube was bought used at $80 (had has not failed me at all since), and my DS was a Christmas gift. Although I'm considering selling it and buying one of those new DS Lites, even if it breaks my "not on launch" rule. (B-but, it looks so cute cool! And it won't hurt my hands if I play it too long, like my current DS!)

If you start something at 500 (for the crappy version too, what's the deal with the console makers selling a "full" version of their system and a gimpier one at launch anyway?), even used I doubt I'll be able to get one for less than 300 bucks. Bah!
posted by kosher_jenny 09 May | 21:41
LT Has Little Virtual Internet Folders! OMG! || So, how do *you* know a crush is not a crush...