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09 May 2006

CanadaChat What the hell kind of accent does CBC's Grant Lawrence have? Is it a regional Canadian accent? It's like nothing I've heard before!
Accent? He's from Vancouver; he sounds normal to me. :D He's also a great musician btw.

Maybe there's something to that accusation that we have a "west coast drawl", after all.
posted by reflecked 09 May | 18:16
CanadaChatters - tell me about Toronto and why I should consider it as a place I'd want to move. Tell me about jobs, rents, local flora/fauna, why LT would be welcome there.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 18:37
Jobs.. have one before you go there. You can't work without a permit, and you can't get a permit to work if you're on a visit. Well.. not completely true; you CAN buy your way in. I think that investing 250,000CN will do the trick.

I know nothing about TO, except that it looks like what it is: a city designed by a prison architect.

posted by reflecked 09 May | 18:48
Well, LT, I can tell you why I decided to cut my losses in the states and move to TO:

-cost of living is much lower than it was in SoFl, or any of the other major US metropolitan areas I considered moving to.

-It's an international city with everything you would expect in, say NYC, but with a lot less crime and poverty.

-There's widely available public transit, lots of parks and green spaces, and tons of cool things to do and places to explore.

-The Canadian dollar is really strong right now - although that was a negative when I switched my funds over - doh!

-There's a huge film and media industry here, which is the type of work I want to do.

Who are you planning to marry to get a green card, LT? Capn?
posted by SassHat 09 May | 18:49
YOU or Elizard, duh! Let the bidding war begin!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 18:51
You can't get a green card by marrying any more. You still have to go back to where you came from and do all the paperwork. Last I heard, it takes a couple of years to jump through all the hoops.
posted by reflecked 09 May | 18:52
Yeah, a friend of mine went through the process and it definitely took a couple of years.
posted by SassHat 09 May | 19:02
LT just wants to go to the pillow fight.
posted by SassHat 09 May | 19:07
Shhh, reflecked, there's money to be made here.

So, LT, what's it worth to ya? It'll have to be enough to keep myself and male relative in the style to which we'd like to become accustomed. I mean, you're cute & smart & funny and all, but...
posted by elizard 09 May | 19:18
i want to see the Canadanadian Hotties of Metachat go at it in a pillowfight, wearing vinyl Canadian Flag bustiers and bikinis while blazing on good pot and cheap red wine.

(don't lookit me like that - it's say you'll do it right in the Tour Canadanadia brochure).

posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 19:19
I see. And what's in that for us is...
posted by elizard 09 May | 19:24
the chance to bring yet another intellectually-minded, handsome-as-fuck, politically smart, young, vibrant man into your life and the opportunity to act as personal tour guide, friend, and Good Time Charlene for the duration.

Plus, I do parties.

Hop to it, ladies! This regime won't cotton to losing another cannon-shot against the infidels!

Act now, and you'll receive a free Blame America t-shirt courtesy of the fine folks at South Park and Comedy Central.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 19:37
It took me 38 months to become a Landed Immigrant, LT. It'll be another year before I can apply to become a citizen. The only way it was possible is because I married a Canadian citizen.
posted by deborah 10 May | 15:42
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