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Comment Feed:


05 May 2006

Help Me! I'm drowing in bounceback spam! Needless to say, none of the spam originated with me but some jerk is using one of my email addresses as the reply to email and I'm getting literally hundreds of bounceback emails a day telling me "my message" didn't go through.

Is there anything I can do to stop this or will it just stop on its own eventually and I have to deal with it?
Joejabbing will only stop if everyone out there starts using SPF: Sender policy Framework, and that's only likely to happen once there are easy-to-install and bugfree milters for sendmail and postfix and whatnot out there. (The sendmail milter is a headache).

Oh, and on a user-level, once you demand that your ISP's begin using the SPF on all your domains.
posted by dabitch 05 May | 13:26
It should be right up there with whatever else you want from a host. Mysql, php, FTP access.... Mailboxes... Whatever you demand.
posted by dabitch 05 May | 13:27
meanwhile, what sort of setup do you have? You could filter all that crap to /dev/null where it belongs.
posted by dabitch 05 May | 13:30
I've started to set up filters for each of the bounceback subject lines but they're coming in from all over the world in multiple languages.

I feel persecuted!

What I'd love is to have Thunderbird or Gmail send a filter update over everytime I get one to just automate the process. Actually, its not Gmail at all, I never get spam there, just my lame ass Yahoo account (which is a premium account, which is a total and utter ripoff).

But SPF sounds like the answer to my and a whole lot of other people's spam problems. And SPF can also stand for Spam Protection Factor!

I'll forward the SPF link to my ISP and my host. Thanks!
posted by fenriq 05 May | 13:42
Spam Protectin Factor - hehehe, that's good.

I have SPF on all my domains but that sendmail Milter is mocking me.
posted by dabitch 05 May | 14:00
I must be really grouchy today. First I was annoyed at fenriq's use of the word "spam" in his post. Then I was annoyed at dabitch's use of the expression "joe-jobbing".

I'm going back to bed. Maybe the world will be nicer and shinier when I wake up.
posted by Ethereal Bligh 05 May | 14:49
So I suppose paraphrasing you as saying "bah, humbug!" wouldn't sit too well right now?
posted by trondant 05 May | 16:49
OMG Bunny Huddle!!! || So, metachat, what are you doing this weekend?