Hit with a tsunami wave of ennui in the frozen aisle at Trader Joe's. →[More:] So things are generally pretty darn good in the World of Scody: work's fine, relationship is fine, health is (presumably) fine (no news on scan is presumed to be good news at this point), family's fine. All-in-all, I lead an excellent life, for which I'm immensely grateful. And yet, standing there in the frozen food aisle at TJ's about 20 minutes ago, I was hit with a wave of existential ennui so strong that I was quite seriously tempted simply to drop all my food on the floor and walk out the door into traffic. Weird. (Home now, and can't even bother to take my jacket off or put the chicken I bought in the fridge, much less contemplate the utterly pointless-seeming act of making dinner.) Meh.