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Comment Feed:


03 May 2006

*sharpens knitting needles*

Game. On.
posted by LunaticFringe 03 May | 15:52
Wait, is this a same-day repost? I'll craft you to hell!

Um, count me in. Pottery. Clunky but getting there.
posted by omiewise 03 May | 15:56
I never did the cd swaps, how does this work?

Also, I probably spoke too soon when I said I was in. It depends on when we're doing this - things will be a bit crazy for me for the next bit. But if I possibly can, I will.
posted by amro 03 May | 15:59
Honestly, I'm not sure how it would work logistically. But I think that combining our brain power, we might be able to come up with a way.

I was thinking that everyone could focus on making one thing, then each person could send it along to the next person on the list. Of course, this implies trusting mechazens enough to share your address with one other person. You would mail your craft to someone, and eventually, you would then receive a craft from someone else.

I like this idea, because as much as I would love to send someone a gift off their wishlist, I'm poor. Poor, but crafty!
posted by SassHat 03 May | 16:04
I'm rich and talentless.
posted by matildaben 03 May | 16:15
Sorry for the premature "bump," I just couldn't contain myself. Plus, I posted that late last night, it didn't occur to me it was the same day.
posted by SassHat 03 May | 16:16
PS, Bean, I don't believe that you are talentless for one second.
posted by SassHat 03 May | 16:17
My talents, aside from mix CD making, are of the variety that doesn't fit into a padded envelope. Although I bet cmonkey wishes they did.
posted by matildaben 03 May | 16:21
Do we have to make something new or can we just mail something off? And it's tough to decide - if you are a multi crap craft making person - what to send on. The art postcard swap kind of worked okay for a while - in that one we were matched up with one other person & had a theme. Themes are tough with crafts though.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 May | 16:52
I like mgl's scarf idea. We knit a section then pass it on. I'll even learn to knit for you guys...
posted by flopsy 03 May | 17:48
...and when it reaches 12 feet in length, take turns playing Doctor Who.

(I have no skillz at no kraftz.)
posted by wendell 03 May | 18:32
I can make an origami boulder!
posted by agropyron 03 May | 20:03
So what's the mailing cost on an origami boulder? I mean, it's light, but it's so big!

I can knit, and would be in for the MetaScarf idea. nything more would take me about 5 years. "It's about the process, not the product," I keep telling myself. I also do some damned fine preserves (pickles, jams, etc), though I don't know what the mailing restrictions might be on those.

I sometimes make bread, but that doesn't travel well.

Yep, I'm the Martha fucking Stewart of the slacker/punk set.
posted by elizard 03 May | 22:21
I was SOOO drunk I was totally like, "autocollapse". || Penises.