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Comment Feed:


02 May 2006

NERVOUS nervous oh god nervous i am effing nervous. about to see the girl. about meaning in like four hours but still the nerves are shot and the pulse is solidly in the anaerobic zone.

jayzus this hasn't happened since high school. and i'm 25!
Have a great time, sam. Don't bother relaxing, just have a great time.
posted by Hugh Janus 02 May | 14:05
Is she special? What's got you so worked up? Sounds like this isn't just any girl.
posted by pieisexactlythree 02 May | 14:11
dude i think she really dug me but i was insane last week and probably boring. i'm borrowing a key to the roof of my building and i'm going to ask her if she's afraid of heights. the ATX sunset from 14 stories should do the trick, and either way we'll know by tonight.

i just met her and there are definitely things happening inside the generalized gut region because of her. as in everything seems to be churning stomach from about my chin down to my knees and i don't even think i'm worried if, as previously alluded to, she no longer digs me. this is the thing where just knowing someone like her exists is somehow exhilirating and even though my work is insane/my school's down the drain, i just felt fucking awesome this weekend.

also i'm not being at all suave about this. which now there's going to be the female-mechas saying that hey stop trying all that game bullshit and tell her how you feel, which is what i've done, and the mechas will say that's what you're supposed to do, dumbmachine, and i will say: FUCK no it's not. because trust me. because this totally never works, wheras, acting like you don't give two fucks 'bout nothing has gotten me everything good in life.

too much of the neurotic exposing myself to the internet, here. i apologize. i should gmobfw.
posted by sam 02 May | 14:18
Where are you guys going?
posted by essexjan 02 May | 14:19
posted by essexjan 02 May | 14:20
Ah young love...

I'm jealous! Enjoy.
posted by iconomy 02 May | 14:30
I was around 25 when I met the one that actually turned out to be the one. So here's hopin' for you.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 02 May | 14:41
wow, i could have written that myself on saturday, except for the texas thing. if nerve problems persist, try heroin.

seriously, though. you already know what advice people will give, and you're going to ignore it and do what feels right when it comes up, so good luck to ya. if you can, take a picture of her smiling serenely at some point, and tell her "it's okay. i'm just going to post it on the internet, later."
posted by shmegegge 02 May | 16:04
It is impossible to know, right now, if she's as nervous as you are. She might be, or she might be involved in something else and just has this on her calendar. It's maddening not to know.

I hope that it is a great time. Flow with it. Don't rush things.

I am jealous also. . .
posted by danf 02 May | 16:37
I'll be watching this thread! I want to know how this thing turns out! This has happened to pi twice, once at the age of 22 and again at 26. It never gets less nerve-wracking.
posted by pieisexactlythree 02 May | 18:05

is three midterms and a paper a legitamite excuse, or did i freak her out last week by being way too forthright about how much i like her.

CRAP, people. i say CRAP and also whatthefuck, i am HANDSOME.
posted by sam 02 May | 20:16
god, that sucks. better luck next time, chum. (is there any way to find out if she really has 3 midterms and a paper due? consider stalking to find out.)
posted by shmegegge 02 May | 20:28
i think it's probably legit: seriously i just checked in the mirror and no, it's correct: handsome. who knows. who t'eff knows.
posted by sam 02 May | 20:30
Ah, I remember young love.

You'll get over it. Maybe.
posted by dg 02 May | 21:40
Do they teach architects/engineers to write like this? || I realize that I always seem to be complaining...