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02 May 2006

Best Real Life Nicknames? [More:]

We've talked about some of the great handles on metachat. I was thinking last night about a guy I once knew: _____ McCandlish. Folks called him "The Candy Dish."

I like "The Haircut" from The Sopranos, too.

Stuff like that.
Got any good ones?
Some of my high school friends nicknames: Mooch, Moose, Ewok, McNalakai (that was me), Inspector Gadget, Heavy Evvie, Slaytanic...real Algonquin Round table.
posted by jonmc 02 May | 14:35
I was called "Alabama" in high school, not because I bear much similarity to the prostitute in True Romance, but because a drunk guy at some party couldn't manage to say my real name (Amanda) and Alabama kept coming out instead. My friends who were there thought that was hilarious and thus was born a new nickname.
posted by amro 02 May | 14:41
One of my friends from elementary thru high school was named Dubois K------, but everybody in his family called him "Fert" from when he was a kid. I think in High School I was one of only a few people who knew his real name, since by then everybody called him Fert.

I wonder if he still goes by Fert.
posted by Hugh Janus 02 May | 14:51
I knew a guy in AA named Serenity Sam. I thought he must be some kind of recovery guru until I learned that the first words out of his mouth when he arrived at every meeting were "Is there any tea?"
posted by essexjan 02 May | 14:51
One of my friends in high school was dubbed "Hallabenny" by another friend. I thought that was a cool nick.
My bud Heidi calls me "Poopie" and her brother "Head" (pronounced Heed).

posted by black8 02 May | 14:58
From my high school cross-country team:

"Groin:" He had really curly hair.
"Torch" or "Snort": He got mad at a football player, torched opened his gym locker and set fire to his clothes. He also snorted coke.
"The Hobbit": He was very short, very polite, and had hairy feet. The Hobbit found an ancient black lether coat, so worn it was actually brown, and wore that for a while. His hair was long. During that period people called him "Snake." Snake acted really mean and liked to make a ruckus at the local McDonald's. Snake was a very different person from The Hobbit and only existed with the jacket on.
"Big Mo": He was big and from Missouri.
posted by shane 02 May | 15:07
The girls from my old job and I all have nicknames: The Captain, Scarface and Crabs (that's me).

I also have a short, white girlfriend I call Thug.

What a dope posse I have.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 May | 15:16
The girls from my old job and I all have nicknames: The Captain, Scarface and Crabs (that's me).

I also have a short, white girlfriend I call Thug.

What a dope posse I have.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 May | 15:17
Crabs (that's me).
That must have killed any chances for an office romance. (Which could be a good thing depending on who you work with).
posted by tetsuo 02 May | 15:21 to elaborate?

I was called G-string (because my first name sounds like 'G'. You sick puppy). Also PE kit (again, the name). I hate my name.
posted by flopsy 02 May | 15:27
I've also been called JohnnyMac, Macanudo, and El Gringo Flaco Loco.
posted by jonmc 02 May | 15:29
Meltdown (she was hot, but stupid),Grimace, Kid-From-Deliverance, The Uncooked (rather doughy looking), CrabCakes, The Rookie, Pasta, MacTonight (big forehead and sharp chin like that moon guy in the old McD's commercials), The Little Girl Who Looks Like a Little Man...those are all favorites.
posted by jrossi4r 02 May | 15:30
chairman mao, for reasons wholly unrelated to the original person.
posted by shmegegge 02 May | 15:39
I know, Crabs sounds dirty.. it's not. The place we worked made these "fancy" beaded placemats in the shape of crabs, and one day I was a little crabby, so the Captain named me Crabs.

Didn't hurt the office romance chances for moi- already were none, twas an all female office.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 May | 15:46
I never knew my worst nickname. But I know I had one because when I was 14, 15 I hung out at school with a girl who was my 'friend' (I later found out that she kept me around because I was so plain it made her look even prettier) and she had horrible nicknames for everyone. So I know she must have had one for me. I'm glad I never found out what it was.
posted by essexjan 02 May | 15:47
i once knew a guy we all called "wrong michael" because there was a period of time where it seemed like he was wrong about EVERYTHING.

"last action hero is the best movie ever."
"you can't do graphics on a mac."
"no one listens to rock any more."
and on and on.

but we never said it to his face. i don't know if it was because we were snotty assholes or because we just didn't want to hurt his feelings, but either way we never said it in front of him. but one day, he came into the room and I was in a good mood (and therefore feeling run-off-at-the-mouth-able) and before I could think I said "hey! wrong michael! how's things?" and then he just kind of looked at me like, "huh?" and asked what i just said. I was able to convince him that he must have misheard me, but i never used the name again.
posted by shmegegge 02 May | 16:13
Fresca. I never did find out why. ;)
posted by dabitch 02 May | 16:20
I played soccer as a kid, and there was a really tall boy on one of the other teams nicknamed "The Gooch."

One of my friends in high school's last name was Malcoun. My friend Rob and I were supposed to meet him at the Chicago Jazz Festival, and it being the days before cell phone ubiquity, we were reduced to yelling his nickname out on a streetcorner in Grant Park. His nickname was Coon. Once we noticed the angry looks we were getting from the black jazz lovers, we switched to his first name.
posted by me3dia 02 May | 16:27
J-Ko (as in J-Lo) this will make more sense given my real name.
posted by pieisexactlythree 02 May | 18:15
A close friend during my teens was known as Jenny Jenny, oooh Jenny Jenny (she was very hot).

I tried getting my SO to go for Sexy McHotpants, but he was having none of it. When a friend heard, she asked if she could have it instead. It suited her, so she got it. Then she bought a really cool old Falcon, so we've changed it to Sexy McHotWheels.

I'm also friends with 3 brothers who are energetic? talkative? slightly mad?, especially when together. We call them the Screaming Wilson Sisters. It's a compliment.
posted by elizard 02 May | 18:40
'the thrash': i abbreviated a friend's name. i actually just called him to see if he wants to drink beers but he is not at home. i call my friend eddie 'gigantor.' my office mate refers to me in 1st and 3rd p. as 'king of all grad students,' sometimes.
posted by sam 02 May | 20:36
For a few years there I was known as "Khaddafi" to my co-workers. Not kidding on this one.
posted by deadcowdan 02 May | 21:01
Oliver (my cat) was "Bug-eyed Freak" when he was a kitten. His face has grown to suit his eyeballs so now it's just "Bug".

I was nicknamed "Rebel" in grade school but I can't remember why. My oldest bro calls me "Feborah Dern". Guess what my middle name is.
posted by deborah 02 May | 22:19
We all called Frank "Scurvy" because he contracted it from never ingesting healthful food. His hair fell out and everything. My buddy Joe had his name printed as "Joe Bob" in the student directory his freshman year of high school so he was doomed.

And I'm sure many here relate to being "the other John".
posted by BitterOldPunk 03 May | 02:20
"Hanna Virrpanna" - a friend named Hanna was such a scatterbrain that there was no other way to refer to her other than Hanna Virrpanna which rhymes nicely and means "dizzyhead". We fully expected her to slam into lamp posts while walking or draw on her face chewing on un-corked pens every day, she never dissapointed us. I wonder if she has survived....
posted by dabitch 03 May | 06:36
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