That went well →[More:] Simcox arrived late and signed up to speak late, so John Stark had already left and the
Herald was already locked up before Simcox spoke. The hearing lasted until 11 PM. The Herald deadline is 10 PM.
Simcox is a real smoothie, but couldn't keep himself from smirking through his entire statement. He reminds me very much of David Duke in his manner and affect. So he comes off very differently in print than he does in person.
There was another minuteman smoothie named Fox, who came up from Seattle to speak. In his testimony, he sort of stepped in it when he repeatedly posed the rhetorical question, "What would Martin Luther King say?"
He was answered by Commisioner Rev. Ellis Casson who told him Dr. King would say "Here we go again."
The Rev. is the most pungent and no-nonsense of the commisioners.
The Minutemen left en masse at the end of the hearing. As they left the church, I heard one chortle, "Man, I've never seen such a level of fear before."
The hearing was covered by TVW and will be airing on statewide cable.