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Comment Feed:


28 April 2006

Cryptic to-do list Give us your interpretation.
Transcript #2 (Day)
posted by seanyboy 28 April | 11:18
I betcha he's a lawyer.
posted by amro 28 April | 11:20
I can shed a lot of light on this. The person's a sailor. "Lizards" are short lengths of lanyard for guiding a line through a channel or fairlead. "Crewing up" is getting your people aboard before "sailing off". "Infuse relationship" has me stumped; there is a process in fiberglass boat-building called "vacuum infusion", but if he were doing that, he sure wouldn't be sailing the same day.

So I think "infuse relationship" refers to his work -- like yes, maybe he's a contract lawyer, and is working on his relationship with a company called Infuse. That gets the court in, too.

So the list is things he needs to do for work + things he needs to do to go sailing this weekend.
posted by Miko 28 April | 11:31
Damn, now I have that "Sailing" song going through my head. Who sang it? Christopher Cross?

Saaaaaiiiiling/Take me away/to where I'm going/dooodooodooodooo
posted by luneray 28 April | 11:42
I thought "infuse relationship" maybe had to do with something he learned in couples therapy.
posted by matildaben 28 April | 11:45
Me too, matildaben. And that maybe the lizards are pets. Perhaps pets that need petsitting while he's off sailing. Hmm, I know a lawyer on a sailing team with a bunch of other lawyers from his firm. I wonder if that's a popular lawyer thing, like golf.
posted by amro 28 April | 11:51
I think cold-blooded reptiles would be a good pet for a lawyer.

I keed because I love!
posted by matildaben 28 April | 11:52
Ha, I almost said that myself!
posted by amro 28 April | 11:55
I think he's a supervillain, personally.

* He's got to buy some vicious attack lizards.

* "Infuse relationship" refers to his new mind-control formula.

* Transcript #1 - he records his diabolical speeches and has them typed up.

* After court - well, he's had a few run-ins with the law, obviously.

* Crewing up and sailing off - Obviously heading for his secret island lair.
posted by agropyron 28 April | 12:08
Lizard- A short line with a loop or a block which another line may be run.
posted by Miko 28 April | 12:25
That went well || It's such a perfect day.