The ladder of oppression. So I've been trying to block this out of memory, but I just have to share. I've been taking a psych class at the community college, hoping to boost my grad school applications once I get to that point.
Last night we're talking about prejudice, and white privelege, and the subject of hate crimes comes up. And the teacher's like, "You know, like these groups studying hate crimes. You know what a hate crime is? That's when someone's attacked just for being a minority. No white people ever get attacked just for being white."
And I raise my hand and say, "I know what you're talking about, but if I walk through a black neighborhood and get mugged because I 'look rich' simply because I'm white..."
And she interrupts me and is like, "But that's not because you're white..."
And I'm like, "But can't you argue that there's racism inherent in how we talk about crime? Black-on-white crime is just considered 'normal' but white-on-black crime is considered so out-there that we decide we have to come up with a new name for it?"
And she's like, "But here's the difference!" And she pauses and strokes her chin like she's about to say something sage. And after a bit she nods and says, "As a white person, you could choose NEVER to go through a black neighborhood. Black people can't choose never to go through white neighborhoods."
And I get very confused trying to figure out what that has to do with anything, and then realize that she just TOTALLY changed the subject because she has no response because I BLINDED HER WITH SCIENCE.
And she's basically been talking about racism and prejudice like it's only black/white/asian/hispanic, so some girl in the class asks about Jews, and teacher's all, "Oh, they don't have it that bad."
And I'm like, OK, I'm not gonna Godwin out here and MENTION THE HOLOCAUST....
But then? She proceeds to write, on the board, a HIERARCHY OF OPPRESSION. There was much suspense on whether Arabs had it worse than blacks just now.
I believe it was, though I failed to capture it in my notes: Whites --> Jews --> Asians --> Hispanics --> Blacks --> Arabs.
And prejudice against Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans doesn't exist.
This woman is in charge of grading me???