Another tax-related rant Settle in, kids... this is a long one.
So last February, I got a $889 check from a class action lawsuit that had been filed against Best Buy for improper wage distribution. At the time I was over the moon and amazingly pleased. I used that money to fund the deposit for two rooms in a house in in Bushwick (NYers, you can stop laughing now) with the then-boyfriend.
Unfortunately, while the lawyers did take out their fees from the original $1025 gross check, I found out when I did my taxes this year that they didn't take out any taxes. I currently owe $402 to the government and $106 to the state, which added to the $200-something I forgot to pay last year when I moved
again to Flushing means I owe the government about $600 now. (This is part of the reason why I'm not drinking with y'all tomorrow night.) [continued]