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Comment Feed:


03 April 2006

Help: How do you find a balance between working to be the best you can be (academically, in my case), but also finding time to have a life?
Well, let me know when you find out.
posted by bunnyfire 03 April | 21:13
make time...schedule it if you have to.

i usually swing back and forth tho, from too little life to too much. (my subconscious rebels against too much working i think, so i go out too much and overdo it for a while, then depending on work schedule, fade into too much work again)
posted by amberglow 03 April | 21:15
You can't. Deal.
posted by dg 03 April | 21:23
When you get a workable answer let me know too.
posted by arse_hat 03 April | 22:05
I think everyone just makes do, and decides based on priorities and needs and desires. For instance, i don't know one single woman here under 40 in NY who doesn't make time to go out, even when they work late daily, and bring work home, etc.
posted by amberglow 03 April | 22:19
amberglow is correct- you just have to make time. I work *a lot* when work gets busy (I'm projecting every single day during the month of April), but I still try to keep on top of what cool stuff is going on in the city, what theatre shows I can get comp tickets, what my friends are up to so I can make plans to go out and have FUN.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 April | 22:23
A) Create a schedule or
B) participate in activities that force a schedule upon you.

I use the latter technique, as I'm generally very, very bad at scheduling things myself. Might I suggest the Chicago Sport and Social Club?
posted by eamondaly 03 April | 22:25
If I knew, I wouldn't be on MetaChat. And I'd have graduated four years ago.
posted by Eideteker 03 April | 22:29
Redefine what "best you can be" means. Its the easiest way. And easy is good, it leaves plenty of time for goofing off and drinking.
posted by fenriq 03 April | 22:57
Figure out what "best you can be" really means. Getting straight As stopped seeming like a worthwhile goal when it stopped being enjoyable. I still had a high GPA, but I stopped killing myself for classes that didn't interest me or wouldn't truly help me in the future (beyond just "It'll look good on my transcript").
posted by occhiblu 04 April | 01:03
I try to be "the best person I can be". This has meant a compromise in terms of chasing material things or a stellar career, but has resulted in much greater inner contentment.

These days I have a job I really, really like with hours (and a dress code) that suit me just fine. I earn enough. I live in a good area, in a modest home that meets my needs. I have friends that like me, a couple that probably love me.

More money/recognition/prestige would be nice, but I'm not willing to sacrifice contentment for what passes for success.
posted by essexjan 04 April | 03:10
posted by dabitch 04 April | 07:54
What are you in school for? If you are just bagging a 4 year degree to go off into the real world, lower your expectations. A "B" is an excellent grade, a "C" perfectly acceptable, and even "D" stands for diploma. After you land that first job, no one will ever look at your transcripts again. Go out and have some fun tonight.

On the other hand, if you are looking at graduate school or (God help you) academia--screw your personal life. Work harder. Why are you even on Metachat? You could have mastered another postmodern neologism in the time you've wasted here!
posted by LarryC 04 April | 11:16
Quit sleeping. It's overrated.
posted by deborah 04 April | 13:03
Sometimes you'll just have to say "fuckit."

(To academics or "life," I'll let you figure out.)
posted by porpoise 04 April | 13:46
Thanks for the replies so far.

I'm in nursing school. An 80% is a C on our grading scale. Plus, you know, lives at stake!Really makes me want to strive to be top notch but it's crazy work.

And Deborah -- I hardly sleep now the way it is!

Eamon, same frequenter of the Gaper's Block Fuel section?
posted by viachicago 04 April | 14:51
Oh, I'd forgo "life" and get as good of a grade so you can be more competetive and get a job in a better market and city/location so you can enjoy life more with the comfortable renumeration from being a nurse.

Good luck!
posted by porpoise 04 April | 16:51
the Koufax award winners are announced-- || Dubya, the movie