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Comment Feed:


03 April 2006

Give me something really petty to get angry about
People who fucking stand in front of the salad bar talking to each other when you want to get some damn salad.
posted by matildaben 03 April | 17:18
posted by cmonkey 03 April | 17:22
Well recently I've been transferring all my rage to an irrational hatred of baby-boomers.

"Yeah well - Fuck You "Mr I knew how to protest when I was a kid." You're the majority of the population, you have always got your own way, and all you can do is whine about the problems that You caused. Driving about in your stupid 4x4's, complaining about the lack of Feng Shui in your over inflated bank accounts, and NO I don't fucking care that you dropped out for a couple of years and you met Bob Dylan, because frankly now you're just a boring old fart with some weird inferiority complex / power trip thing going on in your head.

No, we don't protest as much as you did, because, you want to know why, because we've been told by you and your ineffectual rock-and-roll media that we aren't as rebellious as you, that we'll never be as rebellious as you, that there is no point in trying. Thanks a bunch for sucking the fun out of our lives. Make you feel big does it. Mr Big Man.

You're the system now "daddy-o", and if I didn't hate that Marlon Brando quote so much, I'd tell you exactly where you can stick it.
posted by seanyboy 03 April | 17:25
People who fucking stand in front of the salad bar talking to each other when you want to get some damn salad.

They're almost as bad as the guy that positions himself perfectly between the Diet Coke spout of the soda fountain, the lemons and the lids/straws so that I have to wait until he gets all of them before I do anything.
posted by mullacc 03 April | 17:34
I share that exact same hatred of baby-boomers, seanyboy. shut up about the goddamn 1960s
posted by cmonkey 03 April | 17:34
People who yank really really hard on the cables that lights up the light to tell the bus driver to stop at the next stop when you only need to apply maybe a score of Newtons.

Or the people (usually the same ones) who push really really hard on the bus door handle to get it open when the door will open itself when you nudge the handle.
posted by porpoise 03 April | 17:38
Those people who fucking refuse to move out of the way of the doors when they open at the stop, no matter how full the car is or how many people are waiting to get on, because they don't want to give up their precious spot to lean their fat ass on. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 April | 17:45
Yarrrrrrrrrr - don't make me turn this into a shouting thread, TPS...

Or people who sit in the aisle seat and won't let others sit in the empty window seat.
posted by porpoise 03 April | 17:47
People who stand in doorways
posted by Triode 03 April | 17:52
That hole in the toe of your sock that you can feel all day and if you start to concentrate too hard on it makes you want to kill people.
posted by Specklet 03 April | 17:52
Men who sit on the bus/subway with their legs spread really far apart and take up more of their seat than they should. Like yeah, your balls are so huge that you have to air them out on public transit.

Also, people who take 2 hours of your time to make you research a bug in a system that you don't know anything about, only to find out when you ask the person that *does* know about that system, that the bug would be fixed by a fix for another bug that he posted to test 2 days ago.
posted by matildaben 03 April | 17:59
People who leave their shopping carts (buggies in Canuck-speak) in the middle of the grocery aisle and wander away. Fucking amateurs.
posted by deborah 03 April | 18:05
seanyboy, they're also the ones who are in charge of deciding not to cover the protests that do occur nowadays unless there's some other juicier angle or hook (in the US at least).

i've been annoyed all day by a co-worker who even when i give her extra time to get stuff done (extra days even), doesn't get it done unless i physically go over there and remind her over and over and it's not serious or a real deadline unless i physically am there to nudge her. ugh!
posted by amberglow 03 April | 18:06
Visual Studio when it changes source control bindings to another branch and overwrites the code you changed but didn't check in yet. I cannot express how angry this makes me.
posted by matildaben 03 April | 18:27
When you're ripping a CD, and it's not in either CDDB or FreeDB, and so you've got to type in the information yourself.
posted by box 03 April | 19:05
Those people who fucking refuse to move out of the way of the doors when they open at the stop...

I'm with you. The last time it made me mad enough to go beyond glaring and say, "Are you getting off at the next stop?" "No" was the unsurprising reply. "Then perhaps you gentlemen might want to move out of the doorway." "We'll move when we get to the stop." It was futile to point out that there was plenty of space elsewhere--like toward the back, for instance--and them moving out of the way would involve jostling other people who were actually trying to get off the damned bus. Besides, we were by then at my stop so I just said, "Yes but you'll just move right the fuck back there again, won't you?" as I pushed past them.
posted by elizard 03 April | 19:22
Here's one I'm pissed about.

Some wanker from MeFi went through my comments and found two that contradict each other. And he sent them to me with a comment "Douchebag".

Why would you waste your time with that lameness?
posted by fenriq 03 April | 19:25
Men who sit on the bus/subway with their legs spread really far apart and take up more of their seat than they should. Like yeah, your balls are so huge that you have to air them out on public transit.

I sat next to one of those on the bus today! He had the nerve to be angry that I was sitting on the edge of his coat! His coat wouldn't have been lying on the other seat if he hadn't been busy displaying his crotch seam to the passengers.
posted by halonine 03 April | 19:29
And another thing--those boomers who are hell-bent on destroying all the social programs that their parents and grandparents (who knew a thing or two about hardship) fought so hard to set up. Because, you know, they just contribute to laziness and aren't really needed or something. Translation: "Screw you, Jack, I've got mine." Yep, they're changing the world, alright.
posted by elizard 03 April | 19:36
In the same vein of Specklet's idea, get mad about feeling that seam in the toe of your sock. When it's maybe not at the tips of your toes but just underneath? Because I mean, maybe your mom bought you socks and they're too big and they bunch up but you're just so happy to have SOCKS that...

Anyway, I HATE that.
posted by viachicago 03 April | 20:20
posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 20:25
posted by go dog go 03 April | 20:59
Babyboomers are the fucking worst. I want to be self-righteous and rich and sure to die before the world gets really really bad because of my own shortsighted greed and laziness. Instead of all those things except poor and sure to die right AFTER things get really bad. Babyboomers who don't let you off the subway before you get on?

That's when I reach for my giant rusty cleaver.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 21:01
Oh my fucking god and the nazi sadist bastard babyboomer who invented whatever kind of sentient boxer shorts I've been wearing recently. The front of them make a crazy futile break for it about an hour into the day and spend the rest of the day trying to creep around my waist and face backwards, what in the wooly limping fuckadoodledoo is that shit about exactly, something you dreamed up on the brown acid at Woodstock? I hope you get a bad lipitor and Ben and Jerries gets investigated by the SEC and delisted and your umptynine Jimmi Hendrix farts through a cracker box cds are all scratched. I consign you babyboomer shortsprofiteer to the 19th pit of hell.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 21:07
**lowers gaze and backs slowly and quietly away from thread**
posted by Otis 04 April | 08:31
Baby boomer is 1946 - 1964? It looks like I'm one! But if it makes you hate me less, I'm not rich at all, not even a tiny bit influential, and was too young to protest or go to woodstock. And not only do I not drive an SUV, I don't own a car at all, and almost never even run the air conditioner at home!


My petty angry thing? Hmmmm...I used to be extremely angry about hot dog buns coming eight to a pack while hot dogs came six to a pack, but then my favorite grocery started carrying their own brand of buns, six to a pack, so now I'm so chill they call me taz cube.
posted by taz 04 April | 09:10
All bunnies are exempt from the babyboomer curse, taz. :^)
posted by deborah 04 April | 14:17
My favourite of this years April Fool websites. || NURBS