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Comment Feed:


02 April 2006

Just deleted my blog. Long story. Won't bore you with it.

Just wanna hang out with the bunnies, now.
Hope you saved content you want to keep... hugs anyway.
posted by By the Grace of God 02 April | 17:03
posted by agropyron 02 April | 18:02
Porpoise, if that were any cuter my head would explode...

Oh and I don't have IRC, agropyron. But thanks anyhoo.

Oh, well. I've deleted a few blogs here and there over the course of my checkered past. If I give it another shot I'll let you all know.

Meanwhile, catching up on my reading for theology class (why MUST the print be so small and the vocabulary so large..)and playing a new Celtic music cd. A little TOO mellow. I could use some major drum action right about now.

posted by bunnyfire 02 April | 18:16
I hope that everything's gonna be ok.
posted by porpoise 02 April | 19:22
It will.

I just hate how dang easy it is to get my whole writing-while-bipolar history off the internet with no relevant context to balance it. Heaven help me if I ever get famous.

Google cache is not my friend.
posted by bunnyfire 02 April | 20:19
I am not so sure that deleting all that history is the best thing anyway, bunnyfire. Regardless of how you feel about the things you wrote in those days, they are a part of hwat makes you what you are now. Why deny them?
posted by dg 02 April | 22:35
Also, as you kinda alluded to, between and the Google cache (and, let's face it, your rather public Mefi history), your writing isn't going to disappear any time soon.
posted by box 03 April | 08:11
And boy have I paid for that... and continue to pay for that now.

But in fairness, I have unpopular political and religious views, and some folks want to fixate on that rather than see the person. Heck, if I only talked to people like me, I wouldn't spend much time on the computer!

That's one reason I love this place. People are kind to one another-we bunnies are, well, bunnies!
posted by bunnyfire 03 April | 11:22
Cat's just feel things. I don't know another way to say that my pets seem empathetic. || I start my new job tomorrow.