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02 April 2006

Cat's just feel things. I don't know another way to say that my pets seem empathetic.
Well, removing the apostrophe would be a start. :-(
posted by Cryptical Envelopment 02 April | 15:55
Back in her younger days, my cat was the picture of independence. She would sit kind of near me, but never on my lap or even right next to me. Unless I was sick. Somehow she always knew when I wasn't feeling well, and would cuddle up with me to, presumably, try to make me feel better or comforted.

In the last year or so she has made it a habit to be either on me or right next to me almost all the time. It only just occurs to me now that perhaps that's because she's been ill, and there's a comforting aspect there for her, too.
posted by amro 02 April | 16:04
When my little sister broke her arm and was in bed a lot our cat never left her side. The saddest thing was just a couple of years ago when the cat had some kind of cancer and needed to be put down, my sister was sick again and the cat was with her. My mother had the awful job of taking the cat out of her arms to go to the vet. I'm glad I wasn't living at home at that point.
posted by Space Coyote 02 April | 16:31
About six months ago I pulled my shoulder really, really hard, causing the kind of pain where about all you can do is scream or pass out. My normally aloof cat got very worried about me. She kept standing up on her hind legs and licking my face, and she never does that.

So, yeah, animals are empathetic. I firmly believe it.
posted by WolfDaddy 02 April | 16:39
They are just getting first dibs on eating you if you die. Sorry, but it is true. Don't make me link.
posted by LarryC 02 April | 17:03
It's the spicy human brains. They love spicy.
posted by jelly 02 April | 17:50
Maybe that explains why Rupert will only cuddle me by sitting behind or next to my head.
posted by matildaben 02 April | 17:55
Sooooo, I don't have to worry about dying as long as my cat remains aloof? Cool!
posted by WolfDaddy 02 April | 18:06
They are just getting first dibs on eating you if you die.

Nah, my cat has far more discriminating taste than that.
posted by amro 02 April | 18:11
I've had several cats that seem to be empathetic as well. It's very sweet to have a kitty snuggled up with you when you're not feeling well.
posted by deborah 02 April | 22:21
Radio Downtime || Just deleted my blog.