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Comment Feed:


01 April 2006

So, I went up to the Bronx [More:]and waited for 40 minutes for the weird but hot chick with the apartment. She didn't show. Then I went to my other appointment for an apt on Riverside and 125th in scenic Harlem. That place is mine if I want it. Then I went to Trish's where we could watch Dog Day Afternoon (ATTICA! ATTICA!). I check my mail and the crazy myspace thong Bronx chick has sent me several emais saying that she remebered she had to light a candle in synagogue for her father on the one year anniversary of his death and wants to reschedule. I told her to email me. Also, I bought a few comics and had a nice bagel with lox & cream cheese for lunch accompanied by a bloody mary. Right now, I could go for a meatball hero.
in honor of that, i'm gonna have half a sandwich.
posted by ethylene 01 April | 23:33
posted by Eideteker 01 April | 23:34
a link to this crazy thong girls myspace page is in order.
posted by puke & cry 01 April | 23:37
the crazy myspace thong Bronx chick has sent me several emais saying that she remebered she had to light a candle in synagogue for her father on the one year anniversary of his death and wants to reschedule.

Hands down, the greatest sentence I've read today.
posted by BoringPostcards 01 April | 23:40
i only had half the sandwich, but it's the thought that counts.
or the crazy thongchick's candle
posted by ethylene 01 April | 23:42
Well, here's her myspace page. The thong/bikini pics are in the 'veiw more pics' link.
posted by jonmc 01 April | 23:45
I'd take the Harlem apartment, but that's just me.
posted by Eideteker 01 April | 23:49
is that wise?
why are we calling her crazy thong chick?
she looks like exactly the nice jewish girl everyone wants and needs in their life.
no interrupting shiva!
posted by ethylene 01 April | 23:49
Dude, I used to live on Riverside and 125th, back in the mid 80s. It was a sweet apartment -- great view (of Fort Lee, or whatever, but the lights were pretty) and very quiet. It was all Barnard chicks spending Daddy's money, and there was plenty of cocaine and herpes to go around.
posted by BitterOldPunk 02 April | 01:35
hot girls gots to have their yahrzeit.
posted by jann 02 April | 13:16
Honey, if you're already using the word 'crazy', you should definitely not add the word 'roommate' to the description. The craziness should be revealed slowly, like a lotus blooming. To do otherwise demonstrates a crassness that you just don't want to live with.
posted by elizard 02 April | 17:13
elizard, 'crazy' in and of itself has never been a put-down for me. Just about everyone I know is resplendendtly bonkers. As for crass, I have a Ph. D. in crass.
posted by jonmc 02 April | 18:41
Don't get me wrong, jonmc. I revel in my craziness, and that of my friends. It's what keeps life interesting. I've just had enough nutty roommates to last me a lifetime, and if she comes across as crazy (and more than a little flaky) from the get-go then fuck knows where it's gonna go from there. Crazy roommate experiences are why I live alone. But then, it's cheaper here than in NYC, although way less fun. Your meetups clearly rock.
posted by elizard 02 April | 19:43
Riverside and 125th?! Hey Jon, it will be fun to be neighbors!
Maybe then more meetups will be help uptown?! Yeah! yeah! I know. Fat chance!
posted by carmina 02 April | 20:07
1) I'm moving to the goddamned Bronx.

2) I was way into Crass in the day. I still think Chumbawamba's Shhh! is about the best pop album I've ever heard.
posted by sohcahtoa 02 April | 20:30
sohcahtoa: much of the Bronx is fine. I work there. My husband and I live in Manhattan, but we may move there in a year or so.
posted by gaspode 02 April | 20:50
I'm looking forward to it.
posted by sohcahtoa 02 April | 21:04
gaspode is married?! *cries*

dood...just looking at the pics says if you move in with her, you're gonna experience the next level of crazy.

Cops may be involved...

posted by black8 02 April | 22:38
black8, remember who you're talking to here. I've unleashed my fair share of crazy on the universe, too. And she seems to be merely party & fuck all night crazy. That I can handle.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 08:20
So adult swim || APRIL FOOLS!