Comment Feed:
First, please view the job description on our Web site for the position and explain what experiences you have that make you a good candidate for this position.
Second, why do you want to work for xxxx?
If you could create a position for yourself at xxxx, what would it be and what would you do in that position?
Please detail any experience you have with activism, not necessarily with animal rights.
Browse the xxxx web site and tell me what animal rights issue is most important to you and why.
Browse and tell me what you think might make it more effective. Any and all comments are most welcomed.
Have a look at our web site, review our stance on euthanasia and let me know if you agree or disagree and your reasons why or why not?
What do you think is the single most pressing problem animals face today?
The three most important things for this position are: 1) that you be organized, detail oriented, and able to keep track of a variety of projects and items at the same time; 2) that you are able to work well with multiple people and manage various personalities and communication styles (basically, that you have good people skills); and 3) that you work hard.
Can you please talk a bit about your capacities where these are concerned.
Tell me what you did in your last job that you’re most proud of.
Tell me about something creative that you did in your last job.
If you could change something about the way your last supervisor ran things, what would it be?
Give me an example of a time when on-the-job communication with a coworker, customer, or someone else was difficult or uncomfortable and how you handled the situation.
Give me an example of an obstacle that you had to overcome in your last job and how you did it.
Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision that you were proud of.
What sort of deadline pressure did you have to cope with in your last job?
Are you willing to relocate to Norfolk?
(For traveling positions only) Do you have any major infractions on your driving record? Due to the high cost of insurance, we cannot employ anyone who is an insurance risk.
Please let me know your salary requirements.
Oh, and please feel free to send me anything you’ve written, any other projects that you’re proud of, anything at all that you think shows you to be an intelligent, thoughtful, creative, and/or detail-oriented person. Please err on the side of sending too much information, rather than too little.
Thank you!