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23 March 2006

Eideteker has a huge crush on-- [More:] [deleted]
and i want all the boy folk to make vocal noises

read to me slow, baby
i'm special

Dat sound rite?
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane 23 March | 06:02
like i'm not a deaf mute, please
let's pretend
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:04
"Ooh, ethylene, how exquisite."

Dat bettr?
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane 23 March | 06:14
my open attraction for you has you witholding

fine, i see how you are.
and me crippled without a guitar.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:17
you deny Arpa and the Yatton Parish Council as well.
phooey on you.

those people have been waiitng on that bus for ages.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:20
good lord, the bus came!
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:21
my turn
say something
with your mouth
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:23
sorry, it's Arqa and she nearly fainted from shock wat the bus arrival.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:25
quid pro quo?
i'll try acapella "You Remind me of Home"

a little immediate satisfaction would be nice
i don't want to turn fickle and have you pale on me already

oh and are you famous yet?
posted by ethylene 23 March | 06:31
i'll pine for the fjords
that's all the effort i can muster. phhftt.
may your audio sensibilities curdle.
well, actually, i'm barely audible except the whiny bits.
*hunched over little phone and smoking*

killed ten minutes.
*waiting for the cable guy*
posted by ethylene 23 March | 07:24
i bathed with Arqa's help and am less dirty than that sounds.

i gotta try a song i know since i have that bad link on the wiki
posted by ethylene 23 March | 07:46
[tiptoes back out of thread]
posted by chewatadistance 23 March | 08:11
somene say strawberries in clotted cream in danish.
otherwise, Arpa and i will plan pond crossing excursions while i check this bettie Seveert song and find naughty picture of all of you to mark up.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 08:13
≡ Click to see image ≡

Now you just need a Dane with a pair of eyes and a command of his language.

Somaething's wrong with the fork.
posted by Hugh Janus 23 March | 08:45
That's funny, I call gnfti the 'cable guy' sometimes too.
posted by danostuporstar 23 March | 08:48
[tiptoes back out of thread]
posted by iconomy 23 March | 08:49

Quick, quick! I seem to be speaking Danish! Ask me about strawberries!
posted by Hugh Janus 23 March | 08:53
bring it

it's a cringealong
everyone squinch
posted by ethylene 23 March | 08:53
you'll all regret it when i'm back from the studio in a month

and i've written songs about how you all set up to suck.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 09:03
someone ululate
posted by ethylene 23 March | 09:06
so Hugh j...

...what's with the fork?
posted by ethylene 23 March | 09:17
It looks dangerous, and strangely translucent. Just look at those wicked tines.
posted by Hugh Janus 23 March | 09:38
i blame the plate

and your suspicious nature

c'mon, Janus
about face
I wanna see Hugh Manatee
posted by ethylene 23 March | 09:41
and i find you compellingly
posted by ethylene 23 March | 09:42
I can't help it. One look at that fork and I imagine it poking straight through my lip after a failed attempt at landing a strawberry -- the strawberry is still on the fork like an onion on a kebab skewer (my lip is the lamb, nicely seared and fragrant with levantine spice).

posted by Hugh Janus 23 March | 10:14
fingers are optional.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 10:16
≡ Click to see image ≡

Fingers are blunt and safety-tested. Perfect for jordbær og klæde fløde.
posted by Hugh Janus 23 March | 10:29
bring it

The best part is the sneeze, eth.
posted by Frisbee Girl 23 March | 10:33
i wanna hear your voice

and there wasn't a sneeze
posted by ethylene 23 March | 10:34
Here you are, eth. Links are in the wiki for all posterity.

Sorry for thinking that was a sneeze, but whatever happens about three quarters of the way through your song cracked me up.
posted by Frisbee Girl 23 March | 10:53
that's the idea
the funny part

and now you wiki

curse you mangy lot of fletchered hides
posted by ethylene 23 March | 10:56
the throat clearing? isn't that the international signal for schitck?
posted by ethylene 23 March | 12:00
When does the video come out?
posted by tr33hggr 23 March | 12:21
i'll ask yer mom's tush.
posted by ethylene 23 March | 12:25
Everyone needs a little more air-keyboarding outside a warehouse in their lives. || Maybe he took the crosstown bus.