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Comment Feed:


08 March 2006

Source was clearly way too smart for Clay anyway.
posted by Miko 08 March | 20:00
I'm shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!
posted by WolfDaddy 08 March | 20:05
Look, the guy's an annoying talentless singer, but let his private life be private. He's not a hypocritical homophobe and he isn't writing anti-gay legislation, so why is his private life pertinent?

And why are his hookups talking to the National Enquirer anyway? If I get some froma chick, the implied agreement and right thing to do is to keep that private.
posted by orthogonality 08 March | 20:41
ortho, what gets me is the media tells us all what we already knew and don't care about. Our society's endless fascination about whose tab goes into whose slot really needs to vanish into a black hole. Much like Aiken himself. Heh.
posted by WolfDaddy 08 March | 20:46

Man, kids these days have it made. Back in my day, we didn't have Gay teachers. We had to figure it all out on our own.
posted by mudpuppie 08 March | 20:47
Wait Clay Aiken is Gay? Next you'll be telling me that Jack Nicholson enjoys a drink.
posted by jonmc 08 March | 20:51
because he's a celebrity, ortho---duh! ; >
posted by amberglow 08 March | 21:04
"90 sordid minutes of passion...."
posted by matildaben 08 March | 21:07
LOL Raleigh's horrific claim to fame.
posted by chewatadistance 08 March | 21:22
If I had read that an hour ago, I wouldn't have had to leave to get something to eat.

Disgusted? Oh, hell yeah. But it has nothing to do with the fact it's OMFG gay flirting. It has everything to do with most everyone in Hollywood being an insecure, self-deprecating, needy and emotional/physical whore. Burn, Hollywood, burn!
posted by loquacious 08 March | 21:42
I saw the pictures one of the guys said was Clay Aiken stripping on the webcam- and it didn't look a thing like him.

That said, of COURSE Clay Aiken is gay, and OF COURSE his record label is making him keep it under wraps, and I feel sorry for him. He's probably very lonely and unhappy :-(
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 08 March | 22:12
I don't feel sorry for him. What is the record company going to do if he comes out? Shoot him? It's about money and choices.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 08 March | 22:28
I saw the pictures one of the guys said was Clay Aiken stripping on the webcam- and it didn't look a thing like him.

Jossip has the pics. Is it him -- or does only his hairdresser know for sure?
posted by ericb 09 March | 00:11
I think it's cool that folks are now being identified as being Gay with a Capital G, instead of that humbling, hush-hush kind of lowercase way. Of course, I'd probably go for someone better than Clay Aiken to be the new "Goddamn Capital G Gay" spokesperson, but history is a fickle mistress.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 March | 00:51
the article says he got "LITERALLY butt-naked."
not just practically, people. he literally got butt-naked. butt-naked. newspaper. editor. literally. this is funny, no? not for the usual literal/practicaly mixup people make, but just because... come on. they had to emphasize the word "butt-naked"?
also i don't like that hyphenation. one word, i feel. "buttnekkid," even.
posted by sam 09 March | 01:49
I'm getting a 404 on the link... but it's National Inquirer, for heaven's sake. I'm probably better off.

So what's the deal here? I don't know anything about this guy, but wikipedia indicates he's, like, an American Idol thingy, and that he's been pretty active with charity work, and once taught children with autism. So why are people being mean to the kid?

extra taz trivia: whenever I had seen the name "Clay Aiken" flicker across my screen in the past, I always assumed he was a baseball player, evidently because my mind just decided that it sounded like a baseball player name.
posted by taz 09 March | 04:11
I thought he was a country singer or something. (^_^) Glad I'm not the only one confuzzled by the non-ex-pats.
posted by MightyNez 09 March | 07:35
he's sorta a new Barry Manilow, taz and Mighty--schmaltzy schlock, beloved by the same sort of fans. He's been very carefully managed to appear wholesome and Pat Booneish, and some fans are suing because they say he's not what they sold him as (bec. of the gay thing), which tells you all about his fanbase (they're called Claymates--ugh!).
posted by amberglow 09 March | 11:52
Ah. I think I get it... Thanks, amberglow.
posted by taz 09 March | 12:09
It's not a lawsuit, it's an anonymous FTC filing that's going nowhere and cost no money to file. Seriously, I expected to see Kaycee Nicole on the list of names.

I don't know if the guy is gay or not. I gave up on gaydar after being wrong about Jello Biafra. But whether or not he's gay, I'm pretty skeptical of any tabloid reports, blobby webcam pics, or anonymous sources.
posted by maudlin 10 March | 21:44
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