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02 March 2006

any good cat recipes?? [More:]
I picked my cat up (bear) to pet her and she reached up, clawed me right across the face. My lip is bleeding, my nose is bleeding and my cheek is bleeding in three long streaks. First time she has ever clawed me. She got a nice hard smack on the ass for it too. Not that she cared. Fucking cat.
Were you cheating? Maybe patted a dog or something?
posted by arse_hat 02 March | 20:48
Owwww... once in a blue moon, I've had a cat do something like that. I think sometimes they just misjudge the distance and hook you more deeply than they intend. (In cases like this, I mean, where the cat isn't being provoked.)

A smack on the butt is good, to let her know she screwed up, but try not to hold a grudge. I'm sure it was an accident.
posted by BoringPostcards 02 March | 21:03
The smack on the butt was no good, because she thought I was playing. I should have just said "NO!" and walked off. I do that when she is scratching the couch or something and she knows it means stop. Oh well. Ten minutes later she was trying to get into my lap in my room. Cats.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 02 March | 21:58
I don't normally get sliced up by the beasties except when they just have to leave my arms now and use my breastal area for a launching pad. I have a scratch healing right now.

Dammit! I used to have a wav of the Chinese food song sung to Cat's Cradle. Why did I delete it?!
posted by deborah 02 March | 22:08
Pack cat grunties over the wound. Repeat until sepsis ensues.
posted by trondant 03 March | 00:54
Oh, and clip her nails. You can pick up a pet nail clipper at the dollar store I would imagine. They sell them in the pound shops here (our UK equivalent where everything costs £1).

posted by essexjan 03 March | 05:34
Super Monkey Poop Fight. || I just got my laptop fixed, with a brand new HD...