Dame! I did it! →[More:]But not with great results. I was a little scared when I got out there. There were already two people in a lane and I didn't know what was kosher. Then I overheard someone say it was three to a lane.
So, I hopped in the "slow" lane but I wasn't very good at pacing myself. That said, my strokes weren't as sloppy as I expected. But pace proved to be a problem because I would have to stop and catch my breath every couple of laps (stupid sexy cigarettes) -- which fucked up the rotation for it was puff, puff give.
I mean...that was something else. So anyway, when the mean guy would come up behind me he would get all worked up for no other reason other than the fact that I wasn't maintaining proper lane etiquette.
All in all, I'd say I did about 10-15 laps (honestly maybe more maybe less) and I am feeling it EVERYWHERE. (Small lap pool too, so it was a pretty lame first attempt.)
I'm tired but the endorphins are cooking.