Last.FM group stats! Hey, I'm just using this for people who missed the other thread -- you can join a MeCha group on Last.FM, and listen to our "group radio" whenever the MeCha radio is down. ;-)
But since we got enough members, they gave us
group stats, possibly worth discussion.
Top artist: Bloc Party, followed by The Shins/Beatles/Go! Team/Radiohead/Beck.
Top songs: Shins, "So Says I", Radiohead, "Karma Police", and some Arcade Fire.
Pretty indie, not overly Radiohead-y, very little Coldplay. But the group radio, which I spent a couple hours listening to yesterday, is a lot more varied than that, because it draws from the entire recorded playlist of the membership.
There's a lot of trance/electronica, and a surprising amount of classic/roots rock, like Howlin' Wolf. (I'd blame jonmc, but he's not a member -- under that ID anyway)