Comment Feed:
taz, you don't find it interesting when a certain word becomes so associated with a certain context in your head that it becomes kinda 'polluted' in other contexts?
Yes, when I see "consensus" I associate it with MetaFilter. It's a mild feeling, certainly not 'freaking' one, but it definately exists.
My colleague Steve Twomey asks the trenchant question:
"Why did it become desireable to have a corporate name in which it was impossible to know what the corporation did? I mean, General Electric, General Motors, U.S. Steel, Bell Telephone, International Business Machines, Ford Motor Co., Union Pacific: In every case, you could guess what they did. What the hell does PSINet do? Or Cisco Systems? Verizon? You can't tell!"
Steve makes an excellent point. Companies today often sound like monsters in Godzilla movies. When Dynegy and Enron had their recent troubles it brought to mind the various battles between Mothra and Rodan.