Comment Feed:
'k, kids, here's a hopefully irrelevant disambiguation for ya, as i'm answering mails anyway:
while i get some nice, well meaning, and fun emails from the metas and filters, it still has its flipside of flak: rude, nasty, you're a drunk/junkie/psychotic/getofftheinternet/etc.
it really doesn't compare with things i think deserve my attention.
if someone really wants to pay the shipping and handling for a urine sample/valid psych profile to prove i could, say, legally work for some facistic conglomerate or government agency, send me the validated security and privacy forms and i'll be takin' the piss.
yes, i post stuff here i would pre'cha have put on some other blogs somewhere, so i can spend time here.
yes, i display the inconsistency of most multidimensional creatures and complex characters with little remorse.
no, i don't love you all equally. sorry, i am human (or at least enough for any concerns). i like some people more than others and i don't expect otherwise from anyone else, but i do like many of you much and give a lot of benefit of the doubt, even, if not especially, to those who have previously been less than beneficial to me.
have i covered everything?
hey, anyone with any problem with me can feel as free as everyone else to mail me, but if you don't want to be deleted and want some actual answer of some kind, i advise taking time to construct a reasonable message and considering if you really want to hit send.