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16 September 2005

Colourstrology Navigate your birthdate, surround yourself with colour!
April 11: "Sangria (Pantone #19-2047) Intuitive, Theatrical, Intelligent"
Which is all great... except my favorite color is dark blue.

My partner (Aug. 2) is Cadmium Yellow (Pantone #15-1054). Together, we make a great color scheme for a tapas bar.
posted by me3dia 16 September | 17:31
Number one: The site doesn't have a "u" in it.

Number two: It claims I have a loving and giving nature. This is clearly a lie.

Ha-ha I have disproven the science of colorstrology. Do I get something? Because I definitely have a getting nature.
posted by dame 16 September | 17:55
It told me I was stylish.

I instantly felt better about my many years of dressing in the dark.
posted by mudpuppie 16 September | 17:58
I'm Adriatc Sea, which is funny, because my name is Adrian.
posted by Specklet 16 September | 18:06
i'm Bayou 18-5121 (Dec.1)-- outgoing, optimistic, grounded.

nice use of pantone
posted by amberglow 16 September | 18:10
While aqua is not one of my preferred colors, the description of me is pretty accurate. "Hardworking, writer, analytical." Yep. That be me. The longer description is pretty spot on as well.

(Oh yeah, my birthday is Sept. 4)
posted by grapefruitmoon 16 September | 18:39
Number one: The site doesn't have a "u" in it.

The "U" is an Oz habit thing :)

Apricot - Orange was my colour, not my favourite, description sort of fits.
posted by Chimp 16 September | 18:54
Oh, I do like this.
posted by puddinghead 16 September | 19:13
Great. Fucking Toasted Nut. Again.
posted by urbanwhaleshark 16 September | 20:47
Artisan's Gold for me. The description is fairly close, except for the work I do. I'm an extremely practical blue collar kinda guy. Get paid every other tuesday and forget about work when I'm not there.
posted by eekacat 16 September | 21:11
The "U" is an Oz habit thing :)

Yeah. I have an accuracy fetish. Please forget I subjected you to it in a moment of weakness.

How come it works for everyone else but totally lies about me? Is this more of the world working against me in arcane but slightly annoying fashion?
posted by dame 16 September | 21:16
Blue Heaven (December 15). I like the colour but the description is bullshit. You're not alone, dame.

Lyons Blue for the mister (December 12). It would look good on him and the description is fairly accurate.
posted by deborah 16 September | 21:43
My color is actually called amberglow. :)
(July 21)
Pantone 16-1350

"magnificent, different, daring"
I don't really think it fits. At least, not the magnificent part.
It's WAY more orange than I would think a color called amberglow would be. Like, pumpkin bisque orange.
As a redhead I look godawful in orange.
posted by kellydamnit 16 September | 22:46
no way!

how funny! : >

you're magnificent, different and daring!

(i wonder who names these?)
posted by amberglow 16 September | 22:53
Vineyard Green. May 4. Uh huh. Pass the cabernet from the vineyard baby, because I can't see hanging out in that colour for long.
posted by mygothlaundry 16 September | 23:31
"Exciting, Seductive, Powerful" I've been talked into wearing reds, but "Violet Tulle"? and isn't it some kind of crime to put a non-marine color on that day? [It's St. Patrick's Day for Pete's sake... not St. Barney's Day]

"You are charming and fun to be around. You can be the life of the party..." if by life of the party they mean "provokes uncomfortable silence"...(o_0)? I'll keep Seductive, but I think the other two were supposed to be lethargic and insane.
posted by MightyNez 17 September | 00:10
Mars Red (Pantone 18-1655) Commanding, Dynamic, Enterprising. Born to explore and investigate. Keen and alert. Blah, blah, blah.

Since I was born at midnight-ish, I checked the day before. Again with the Pinky reds. Tibetan Red (19-1934) Auspicious, Magical, Practical.

Would a nice dark, forest green have been too much to ask?

Still, groovy use of Pantone and Flash. :)
posted by PsychoKitty 17 September | 00:22
"Driven Quirky Charming" (Feb 08)
Crocus here. Pantone 16-3115. It's kind of a pinky-purple. Yeah, I can see me wearing that color, on days I feel like getting my ass kicked.

posted by BoringPostcards 17 September | 18:45
Funny smell faces. || Hooray for chicken!