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25 August 2005

What if they mated? Intentionally bad photoshopping.
Heh, my favorites are the progeny who are real people.
posted by Frisbee Girl 25 August | 17:10
posted by dodgygeezer 25 August | 17:37
Did this site steal the actual pictures from Conan O'Brien or just the idea? 'Cause if the latter is true, then the photoshopping quality is on par with Big Red's, but if the former is true, then that was some pretty good photoshopping to lose the NBC watermark in the corner...
posted by wendell 25 August | 18:26
So, school me pleeze! Are all these couples people who have been linked in real life? Because I'm totally not up on my hollywood gossip, and there were a whole lot of these that I didn't know about... if they are actual pairings.

And, they totally cheated on Elizabeth Shue and Val Kilmer, just because they couldn't make the baby look bad. In the original photo, their mouths are about the same width, etc....
posted by taz 25 August | 18:30
Did this site steal the actual pictures from Conan O'Brien or just the idea? 'Cause if the latter is true, then the photoshopping quality is on par with Big Red's, but if the former is true, then that was some pretty good photoshopping to lose the NBC watermark in the corner...

The former is true. They didn't erase every watermark and I distinctly remember several of those from when they were first on Conan. Still funny stuff though.

Taz, Late Night often puts people together for If They Mated who aren't romantically linked in any way but maybe have worked together or talked about working together or worked on similar projects. That way they could get some odd couples together.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 18:52
i hear Bruce Willis is sleeping with Lindsay Lohan now? (she's the oldest 18? 19? year old on Earth)
posted by amberglow 25 August | 20:03
Hey, if there's grass on the field, play ball!
posted by jonmc 25 August | 20:23
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by seanyboy 25 August | 20:42
amberglow, have you heard about the latest celeb pairing? KeaKea?
(Diane Keaton and Keanu Reaves)

Yep I heard about HoHan and Willis too.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 20:48
Am I the only one who finds the idea of Keanu Reeves and Diane Keaton together hot? I mean not the actual act of them being "together". That I don't need in my head. But the idea of an attractive strong 59 year old woman having her way with a younger hot guy. Sexy.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 21:03
I find the idea of DeepFriedTwinkies and Diane Keaton way more hot than her with Keanu, personally. Excuse me now whilst I go sit in the hotel ice machine and make steam.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 25 August | 21:12
KeaKea? ewwww i can't even imagine it--actually i can--they have a cool opposite thing, i think. he's not that young tho.
posted by amberglow 25 August | 21:16
DeepFried and anyone (carrottop excluded) is teh hotness!1
posted by amberglow 25 August | 21:16
No, I find the idea of me and Rachel Ray and a fondue pot to be teh hotness.
posted by jonmc 25 August | 21:20
Mmm, Food Network Mashups. I'll take Tyler Florence and Ming Tsai. And Jamie Oliver. We'll all get naked and roll around in a big vat of bernaise sauce.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 21:29
Oh and Anthony Bourdain.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 21:30
Jamie Oliver vaguely annoys me, but Bourdain is a dude I'd enjoy drinking with. But Rachel is my TV girlfreind. And I'm probably a pervert for thinking this, but Paula Dean is kinda MILFy.
posted by jonmc 25 August | 21:32
Who is the really hot Asian guy on a cooking show? I don't think it's on The Food Network, but maybe. He's got the sexiest voice. I *love* hearing him talk about food. He's not an Iron Chef or anything - he has a show and he's got big, broad shoulders and nice arms. He's kind of meaty-looking.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 21:46
Are you thinking of Ming Tsai? He used to be on Food Network but he's on PBS now. And I think he's dead sexy.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 21:54
Bourdain reminds me of you jon. he would be really fun to hang with.

i don't think it's ming--it's a younger guy--very cute, with no accent at all.
posted by amberglow 25 August | 21:56
Bourdain reminds me of you jon.

Dude, he's French. Bite your tongue.

(actually pips says the same thing)

I still wanna do sick nasty things to Rachel Ray, though.
posted by jonmc 25 August | 21:58
Yes, that's him - thanks, LeeJay! His voice is like honey. He does look older in all of those photos - weird. I wonder if the shows I saw were a few years old, or something. He's still hot, though.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:02
He is much hotter when moving and talking than in photos. He has arms to die for.
posted by LeeJay 25 August | 22:04
Oh, and to any Rachel haters: I agree she comes across weird on her cooking show, but on her $40 a day show, she just comes across so cute you just wanna eat her up.
posted by jonmc 25 August | 22:11
You've mentioned her four times already - we get the picture!

Yes, I counted.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:23
you mock my crush, you heartless woman.

posted by jonmc 25 August | 22:27
No, I'm just jealous. You talk about her ALL the time.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:28
I hope you know I'm just joshin' ya, jon.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:36
I know. She is on my list of people I'm allowed to cheat with, though.
posted by jonmc 25 August | 22:37
Aha - who else is on the list?

I'm betting that Jeanane Garafalo is on it. And the Sarah girl.
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:41
Susan Sarandon
Lesley Boone
Salma Hayek
Janeane Garofalo
Alyson Hannigan
(Sarah Rue sneaks in as an alternate)
posted by jonmc 25 August | 22:46
You like redheads. I like the age range there.

Where's Rachel? Isn't the list limited to five people, by law?
posted by iconomy 25 August | 22:54
That's in addition to Rachel.
posted by jonmc 26 August | 09:49
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