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23 August 2005

A tongue twister for you ...provided you're willing to sit through the boring story.
Bugsy Malone?

: >

"two dwawves took turns making handstands on the cawpet."
posted by amberglow 23 August | 22:16
me3dia, You have excellent tongue control.

Just a little something for the rest of us to think about... ;)
posted by iconomy 23 August | 22:18
(i should do that Bugsy exercise--i can't pronounce any words with "rl" like "Carl" or "Charles" correctly at all)
posted by amberglow 23 August | 22:20
Bugsy Malone?

Er, whoops. No, Bugsy Siegel. :)
posted by me3dia 23 August | 22:22
I remember you! You were that guy who almost hit me on my bike a little while ago! I remember seeing you, yammering into that cell phone....
posted by interrobang 23 August | 22:26
I had visuals of your dad swerving all over the road while piping hot coffee sloshed all over the dashboard.
posted by iconomy 23 August | 22:29
I remember seeing you, yammering into that cell phone....

Funny, I don't recall any bicyclists on my route, even when I wasn't talking into my hands'free headset.
posted by me3dia 23 August | 22:32
Iconomy, that's literally the way it was -- well, not so much with the swerving. He tended to drive a little too slow and timidly, if anything.

I borrowed the car once while it was still his, and he had left a cup on the dashboard. I assumed it was empty because I couldn't see any coffee in it, but at one point I went around a curve fairly fast and the cup slide toward me and sloshed coffee up and over the display hood and into the driver side vent.

He also smoked a ton, so the car reeked of cigarettes enough to mostly cover the sour coffee smell. My friends called the car "the ashtray." I was never able to get it fully clean.
posted by me3dia 23 August | 22:36
Oh, sorry. You must not have been one of the three people talking on the phone that almost hit me. Sorry again.
posted by interrobang 23 August | 22:38
I can actually handle the mother pheasant one pretty well and fast but "Red Leather, Yellow Leather" gets me everytime. I can barely say it at regular speed.
posted by LeeJay 23 August | 22:39
Yeah, it took me awhile to master that one.

Mother Pheasant Plucker is best used against people who are mildly drunk. They think they're sober enough not to slur, which makes them easy targets for a bar bet.
posted by me3dia 23 August | 22:46
Also, you inspired me to go through the International Collection of Tongue Twisters and there are a few that I have enormous trouble with:

Clean clams crammed in clean cans
Tie twine to three tree twigs
Three short sword sheaths
Real rear wheel/A real rare whale
(looks deceptively easy at first)

posted by LeeJay 23 August | 22:51
Years ago, I drove home at around 4am, only to be pulled roadside for a drunk test. I oblidged, as I hadn't had anything that evening, but the officer still insisted in going through the whole spiel.

When the guy asked me to recite "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers", I decided to call him out on his game with something a bit more challenging:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Presumably, being a profoundly presteigious person, Peter Piper paused prior to placing the previously purloined peck of pickled peppers, then proudly placed them in a purple, plutonium-plated pressure pot and personally proceeded to parboil them profusely.

I didn't have to exit my car in order to walk a straight line. He gave me back my ID and said goodnight.
posted by Smart Dalek 23 August | 23:35
Six thick thistle sticks.

Or, say "toy boat" five times fast.
posted by Specklet 24 August | 12:13
Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
posted by matildaben 24 August | 21:21
don't miss the pic/caption || Staple gun!