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22 August 2005

Why, oh why is raw honey so incredibly, indescribably good?
[More:]This weekend the SO and I went on another road trip to the highlands of central Arizona. One of the places we stopped was a working farm called "Young's Farm", near Prescott. Among the other delicious things there like insanely fresh sweet corn - had some of that last night, OMFG! - and delicious tomatoes that would make store bought ones weep in failure was amazingly cheap raw honey.

I've had raw honey before. At least I think I have. But it was ages ago, if so.

Though I've emphatically implied that this honey is indescribable, I'll attempt to anyway.

For starters, it's chewy. Literally. You stick a spoon in the jar and the spoon stands up. It's so fragrant it's heady, like the millions and millions of blossoms it represents. I ribbon some across warm toast - and then lick and chew the spoon clean because, of course, it would be a crying shape to waste any of it, and inevitably more remains on the spoon than i put on the toast - and then I eat the toast. And suddenly I'm a living God among mortals, ready to leap to far-flung planets while casually carrying whole mountain ranges. This honey is so good it's practically a psychotropic drug.

It's not a sugar high. I'm quite familiar with that, having a thick and well-fed sweet tooth. It's something more than just a sugar high.

Why, oh why is it so good?
And I don't care if it's air-cured regurgitated bee spit. For all I care it could be spider eggs or ripened cockroach poop if it tasted the same and had the same benefits.
posted by loquacious 22 August | 12:01
My grandma had several hives and had raw honey all year...i too have had the rush from really good honey...

*rushes away to eat honey*
posted by Schyler523 22 August | 12:02
I hear you. I buy it at raw the local health food store, and it's opaque, and bisque-colored. It's pretty, and it smells wonderful. I'm not even a fan of regular honey (ugh hate it), but this raw stuff...I could very easily eat it by the spoonful. It's like ambrosia. And have you ever tried bee pollen? Hmm? Bee pollen makes you feel immortal. Royal jelly too. All that bee stuff.

I actually feel guilty eating bee products. Bees make all that good stuff to feed themselves, not us. But I eat it anyway, and flagellate myself later. Or I wear my cilice. Or I flagellate myself while wearing my cilice.
posted by iconomy 22 August | 12:07
Wow, Young's Farm sure brings back memories. My grandparents live in Prescott, and so I've partaken of the sweet corn and honey a few times in my life. Not much better, I must say.
posted by brainwidth 22 August | 12:25
Damn. I was expecting 'raw honey' was a pornstar nick and some seedy URL's would be found inside. It's late night here..I'm lonely...I'll go have a cold Economist website shower now.
posted by peacay 22 August | 12:57
I flagellate myself while wearing my cilice.
Actually, that made it all worthwhile.
posted by peacay 22 August | 12:59
I've got to get some raw honey. Like, today.

Just so y'all know, I have a thing about bees. Love them, love everything about them. Love the honey, the pollen, the propolis. Love the hive, the comb, even the bee louse, the braula, I love.

Oh yeah: iconomy, don't feel guilty, even them wild bees make too much honey to eat anyhoo!
posted by Specklet 22 August | 13:07
Speaking of farm-fresh goodness, apple cider season is just a few weeks away! Honey is yummy with hot toddys...
posted by Smart Dalek 22 August | 13:08
It's not a sugar high. I'm quite familiar with that

I know, what you describe sounds more like a opium high -- what is it exactly that they put in that "honey", man?
posted by matteo 22 August | 13:10
I have a thing about bees.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by matteo 22 August | 13:12
Hell yeah, matteo!

Although today I am in love with this. For so many reasons...
posted by Specklet 22 August | 13:17
there's research being done currently about honey's ability to treat wounds and burns, ulcers, dyspepsia, sore throats, flu, the list goes on.

it's also crammed full of vitamins and antioxidants and it's apparently good for you in all sorts of ways both known and unknown.

and it's really yum too. my favourite right now is leatherwood.
posted by soi-disant 22 August | 19:42
Or I flagellate myself while wearing my cilice.
I suppose photos are out of the question?

Honey seems to be one of those things that has all sorts of wonderful properties and nobody really knows exactly why. Sort of like breast milk, which contains stuff that can't be identified or synthesised but is excellent for small humans.
posted by dg 22 August | 19:51
A friend of mine is a beekeeper, and he's where I get all my honey and all my beeswax, both for eating and for my product lines. (I'm doing a lip balm this fall that'll be made with organic cocoa butter, raw honey and organic beeswax....mmmm honey lips all winter long.) I had no idea that raw honey was so different that the store bought kind until he brought me a mason jar of honeycomb with the honey still in it.

Man...that stuff *is* like heroin.
posted by PsychoKitty 22 August | 21:39
What? What product lines?? Tell us more!
posted by iconomy 23 August | 08:23
Should y'all get the chance, try avocado honey (honey from skips set up in avocado groves). It has the most intense honey flavour I've ever run across. I last had it from some place outside of Thousand Oaks, CA about 12 years ago. Truly the nectar of the gods.
posted by deborah 24 August | 14:04
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