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18 August 2005

At last... a mecha dream! I dreamed that we were all staying (living?) in this treehouse, basically, but it was really big, on many different levels, and looked sort of like a cooler version of a ski lodge. It was beautiful, really - huge floor to ceiling windows, glowing, warm wood (like teak) floors and walls and great lighting![More:]

Anyway, the point of view in the dream was sort of like a reality show, kind of a top view of seeing people going around doing their thing, talking to each other, etc., and the big thing that everybody was excited about and working on was a collaborative film project, but then there was some consternation about platforms, because most of the group had one kind of equipment, while the rest had a different, non-compatible type. These two kinds of technology were represented by either blue or green nearly-flat rectangular things of a firm rubbery texture, about the size and shape of pizza boxes, and colored like the Typepad blue and green colors. They had no visible features like knobs or lenses or anything, and were somehow sort of telepathically controlled, though in the dream this was just standard technology - nothing paranormal or weird.

The majority of people had the blue platform, and the green platform people were getting a little upset and grumbling and were talking about doing their own, separate project, but the blue people didn't want them to, and were trying to figure out a way to set up the project so that the two platforms could work together. That's it.
I always thought you blue-platform people were too chauvinistic!
posted by mudpuppie 18 August | 17:52
That's it.

what, no sex?

anyway a mecha Big Brother-style reality show sounds like a great idea.
a mefi Big Brother sounds even cooler.
posted by matteo 18 August | 18:07
where's my dream?
posted by seanyboy 18 August | 18:08
my lovely mecha dream?
posted by seanyboy 18 August | 18:15
I'm holding it for interrogation.

You should hear the things it's told me about you.
posted by me3dia 18 August | 18:16
Not the thing about the ice cream and the broom handle?
posted by seanyboy 18 August | 18:19
a mefi Big Brother sounds even cooler
Day 57 in the MeFi Big Brother house, and Ethereal Bligh is still talking.
posted by seanyboy 18 August | 18:21
I lurve treehouses!
posted by Specklet 18 August | 18:29
me too! let's get dodgygeezer to make us a mecha treehouse.
posted by nomis 18 August | 18:37
Weird. I dreamt of MeCha/MeFi/internet too. And trees. I fell asleep reading Larry Niven's "The Smoke Ring" (See also "The Integral Trees") - where (some) people live in 'integral trees' - 20-50km long, two-tufted tree things shaped like integral signs floating radially in a ring of atmosphere, the 'smoke' in said ring.

(The Smoke Ring is about an all-atmosphere 'planet' orbiting/surrounding a small star that orbits a full size star. The ring has an inhabitable area the size of tens of thousands of earth-size planets, and it's pretty much all freefall all the time, unless you're on a tree or something near the ends, then you get tide. Falling asleep reading this always gives me the coolest dreams, which makes this one book I never hurry. A few pages before bed every night or before naps and the next thing I know it's taken me longer to read 200 pages then it does to reread all my Dune books.)


In my dream there was a party happening, and a crackin' good cheery one at that. Boisterous, glasses clinking, people laughing. For some reason someone and/or someone(s) was singing a Dead Can Dance song like it was party sing-a-long material, but still all serious, which was nice but odd.

There were weirdos from E2 there in my dream as well. And a bunch of geeking going on. And something about trees. And green.

posted by loquacious 18 August | 23:25
taz has platform problems in her dreams? Wonder what that means, m'dear.
posted by dabitch 19 August | 04:24
Yeah, I totally wondered about that, too.

My dreams, by the way, almost always, always, always involve architecture - weird, interesting buildings, houses, structures. It's a big theme in my dreamlife.
posted by taz 19 August | 05:01
Beware the Vampire Zombie Butterfly Army. || I know this is petty.