Comment Feed:
Too hot, this town is too hot
Now they're calling for their guns
About to spoil the rude boys' fun
But rude boys never give up their guns
It's too hot
No man, can tell them what to do
Pound for pound, they say they're ruder than you
They are the boss, and no back down
You might have a couple you like
Choose your burial sight
Take insurance, make up your will
Come out and tell them, find them
The soldiers came back to you without them
The police force are afraid, they can't even touch them
They say "You think you're bad? Why don't you come out yourself"
These boys are calling for a fight, fighting tonight they don't lie
It's too hot
Too hot, too hot
Too hot, too hot
Too hot, too hot
Too hot, too hot
As far as I'm concerned, someone who wants to be a Laotian is the last person who should be allowed to be one.
Your perception of cops depends quite a bit on where you grew up and how.Yep. What's funny is that you can't really predict the way the local cops are from either region or city size. And of course they vary individually. Some are bicycle-fixing humanitarians, others are the type to laugh at old, drunk women in the street and to beat up kids for the hell of it. Every time I've ever been arrested (not DUI but, um, other sorts of things) I've been treated very well by the cops. But that's because I'm the sort of person they're going to treat well. You know, I'm white and educated. If you're a young black man, you're presumed guilty until proven innocent. You're coerced, lied to, you get legal counsel that just wants the pile on his desk reduced, you're beaten. Although my experiences with law enforcement and criminal justice have been mostly quite good, they've left me very cynical about how many other people are treated.
I apologize for being extra intemperate and bringing wickedness down on MetaChat.Your whole schtick is to casually provoke people you disagree with. You see it as a virtue. Why apologize?