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1. refers to somebody else's list and is really stupid out of context. 2. I have always been rather neglectful of my cars, and they have usually punished me for it. 3. Ditto for my body. 4. I'm still surprised that there are some people who have never heard my "James Dean Story", because I'm getting tired of telling it. 4. I am now living in my "If I could live anywhere in the world" place. 5. I'd rather be a webcartoonist than a blogger, but I really need to improve my drawing/Photoshop skills. 6. My only appearances on television were (a) on a Los Angeles newscast, doing a "ground-level tightrope walking act" and (b) on a PBS fund-raising auction during which Casey Kasem yelled at me to sit down. 7. My other greatest "brush with celebrity" involved Robin Williams making fun of what I was wearing by calling me the name of a great dead gay tennis player (another story I've told too often). 8. After a few telephone-intensive jobs early in my working life, including answering the phones for a radio talk show, I now really dislike telephones. 9. I prefer to carefully pre-plan my spontaneity. 9a. Like others above me, I have freaked out before a Meetup. 10. But I am generally more outgoing when I'm cold sober. 11. I am allergic to peanuts, but not life-threateningly so. 12. I have had MeFi crushes, but always ended up competing with quonsar for their attention so I just gave up. 13. My childhood athsma helped keep me from ever taking up smoking (and prompted both my parents to quit). 14. I try to be very deliberate in my collection of "things"... for example, the only Spongebob merchandise I own is a Spongebob sponge. 15. "Wendell" is not my birth name, but originated in an Embarassing Story My Parents Told about picking out my birthname (another overtold story). 15a. My all-time most Embarassing Story My Parents Told was about me having a hernia operation at the age of 5, then showing everybody at the hospital the stitches. 16. I am going to organize an All-California MetaFilter/MetaChat/MonkeyFilter Meetup here in San Luis Obispo that will be Barney on "How I Met Your Mother" would say... DARY!!!