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Kyleg. See also Kegal, Kylego, Lego, Legs, and Kyle.

-Hoosier, lover of puppies and babies, mix CD master, and trivia extraordinaire.

Kyleg keeps busy by regularly sleeping in until the early afternoon, practicing the delicate are that is Asian cuisine, generally not giving a damn, and being smolderingly hot. He enjoys dinosaurs, the hot tub, scented candles, and a steak cooked medium-well.

Here’s what people have been saying about Kyleg:

  • "I've never seen anyone foxtrot like that. Nobody." – Wimpdork

  • “Kyleg was born a nematode, wriggling in an aqueous fluid obtained from blacklisted researchers at the National Institute for Wriggly Studies. Once decanted, he grew to be a lively and vivacious young man, whose confidence grew when he finally shed his prehensile nub. Soon, there was college, and his experimental phase, where he lived in a swamp and would writhe up on shore and frighten freshmen. Now Kyleg can be found in the greater Chicago area.” – Lipstick Thespian

    kyleg is upset to no longer be listed on the first page among the first 50 users. He has also staunchly resisted creating his own user page until giving in just now.