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04 August 2024

Beatrix is seventeen years old Since I reported her entrance to my life right after I got her here, it seems right to say something now. Everyone tells me she's had a long life.[More:]

Her eyes are still bright and clear and she looks the same as her kitteny self except she's gotten so thin. She's always been a sweet, accommodating, stuffed animal of a cat and I feel like I'm letting her down again, but there is no knowing when with all her conditions. She takes pills like a champion, hates fluids, spending most of the time in her cat bed like a poster child for cute. I emailed her doctor about her not making it to her next appointment in a couple weeks and am waiting a response.

I just can't stop crying all the way.
I'm so sorry.
posted by terrapin 04 August | 14:23
Ah eth, our furkids are only ever on loan to us. It sounds as if you're doing everything to make her life as good as possible now she's an old lady.

Give her a scritch from me.
posted by Senyar 04 August | 15:09
The doctor wasn't in until yesterday, and Beatrix ate the entire day, defiantly showing an appetite at last, eating her way through the last of her favorite Churus. They have to be excellently themselves at the end so you think you've made a mistake. She was a perfect little girl until the end. I'd only had boy cats until they got older and not so very old. I saw a 22 yearly cat that was all wrinkles. She looked like she looked at one, at ten.

No one else will wear her tiny wig but I can't get rid of it.
posted by ethylene 07 August | 20:05
Hugs, dear. It's never easy. It hits a bit more when they're your extra special one. Hugs.
posted by mightshould 10 August | 17:16
Aw, ethylene, I am so very sorry. We never get to keep them as long as we'd like. Huge hugs to you at this difficult time.
posted by redvixen 12 August | 17:49
I am so sorry, eth. We just had to put our lovely-to-the-last old pupper down last week and it was so hard, especially since her last day was one of her better days. As she went under, she did so eating her favorite treats.
Like senyar says, our fur children are only ever on loan. And grief is love without the object of our affection near. Hugs.
posted by msali 04 September | 13:32
eponstyrical || Those of you