The complexities of the Chinese new year. My wife is Director of Diet and Nutrition for a home with more than 120 residents. She tries to keep things interesting by doing special things every month.
There are the usual holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and so on, but she tries to find more things to add a day with something special every few weeks. Chinese new year is one.
She went to a Chinese market today to get some things for the dinner and collected decorations and little things to give out and went to the cash. The older lady at the cash began ring things up and my wife mentioned new year.
The woman stopped and said 'Oh no!' and pointed at something and said 'Death' and something else and "Death' and so on.
So the woman took my wife around to get new stuff, 'Not death.'
So now Chinese new year will be celebrated in proper fashion and my wife has new insight into Chinese event decoration.