In which I endeavor to revive this platform. →[More:] I've always liked MetaChat, but I see it's not being used. So from now on I will attempt to post daily.... more or less... something of note.
Today I will tell you the story of Zelda. My wife was taking daily walks last year, and one day a smallish dog followed her home. She introduced him to me; said he looked like a Zeke. I looked underneath and said she looks more like a Zelda.
We put up posters but no one claimed her. So we took her to the vet and got her checked out and her shots and stuff and now she's permanently Zelda.
She's a Red Heeler mix. I've learned that they're called heelers because they herd cattle by nipping at their heels. This means that heelers are quite accustomed to occasional kicks in the head. Zelda is no exception. She doesn't seem to mind if she occasionally gets stepped on, which is good since she likes to be underfoot.
I should also share that she's the most affectionate dog I've ever had, and she's definitively my dog. Other people in the family are okay, but she clearly prefers me. And she loves to be petted. All this leads to my two description of Zelda:
She's tough as nails, and
sweet as shit.