Comment Feed:
How delightful to receive your email!
After many years in the wilderness Manor Gardening Society have moved into the site having been evicted from the Olympic Park some 8 seasons ago. I have a plot right by the railway, and having spent a few weeks becoming accustomed to the passing trains (which I now really like) I began to consider things from the point of view of the commuter. I realised that for some people passing the site will punctuate the year in seasons.
The 50 tenants have transformed the site in just a few months from that bare scratch of soil you saw in March. We're starting to give shape and character to the place, and at last it feels like we're back home again. On the whole, for a first season on sterile soil, people have grown terrific produce - all shared amongst family, friends, and some lucky locals!
My steadfast neighbour on plot 7 will be delighted to hear your approval of her shed and pergola - we feel it our duty to create a place that encourages you all to sit on the correct side of the train, and watch our little site develop.
Check our website occasionally - we may be participating in an 'Open Gardens' event next year - you'll be able to have stroll around and a cup of tea!