Humpday 3-point update →[More:]
1. Lucy is still on thyroid medication, and should be for life, but I've introduced her to Hill's Prescription y/d Thyroid Diet. It's fairly new, and I'm going to see how she gets on with it. I'd like to get her to the point where she doesn't need her ear gel ointment any more, or if she does need it, just once a day or less. The reviews of the cat food have been very positive, so I'm hoping it will work for her. She likes the taste of it.
2. It's the final of the Great British Bake-Off tonight (called the Great British Baking Show in the States, as Pillsbury has trademarked the word 'Bake-Off'). My favourite, Selasi, went home last week, so I don't have a dog in the fight. But it's always fun to watch.
3. I heard last week that my cousin, Bryce, is terminally ill. He's had cancer for about 18 months, and had been doing well, but there's nothing more to be done for him. He's in his 70s now, a borderline alcoholic and smoker, and a workaholic. He's also still really bitter about his divorce 20 years ago. All of those things don't make for a healthy life. I'd like to get up to Manchester to see him before it's too late. I have hardly any family, and none within a couple of hundred miles.