Thanks for fixing things. Also, any-n-point restoration update. I'd been worried when I saw the database error. Glad we're back up.
In my case, n=4:
1) My neighborhood is ablast with roses, poppies, irises, and hundreds of other flowers. Walking to the grocery store and back today was all about colors and scents.
2) Relieved that we aren't totally done with rain for the season. Theoretically we're getting more on Wednesday. I made soup in advance.
3) I've been dealing with short-lived gusts of a horrible mood: sad, angry, lonely, entitled, generally pissy. The mood whirls up and then backs out again. It's the most annoying damn thing, but at least it goes away.
4) I wasn't going to to run Bay to Breakers this year because last year's obstructive throng of selfie-taking loiterers made it difficult to keep moving in the correct direction. But a friend talked me into doing it again, this time with Canadian-themed costumes involving red capes and maple leaves. (He and I are both dual citizens.)