Tuesday 3-point update →[More:]
1. Lucy gave me a big scare, spending a day and night at the Pet Hospital on an IV drip after she stopped eating and drinking. It seems it was a tummy bug of some kind, as all her tests were normal. She came home today. But oh, the worry of it all.
2. The days are getting longer, and although it's not light when I leave for the office, it's light now when I come home. Spring is on its way and I'll soon have to do some serious work in the garden to get it looking right for the summer. After I had it landscaped last year I filled the raised beds with things that now don't look right and need to be moved into pots. I love roses, so I might fill the beds with rose bushes, fragrant Old English roses.
3. It's
Hot Cross Bun time in England. There are so many varieties now. I had fig and cranberry the other day, which I thought would be nice but weren't, and today I bought some mini sticky toffee hot cross buns, which are nice but not like proper buns. But the best ones are from Shepherds, a local bakery. Proper, old-fashioned hot cross buns that don't disintegrate when you butter them, and are full of fruit and spice, and just a hint of Essex saffron.