Exciting day? We woke up to the smell of gas inside and got everyone up and out this morning - but now I'm wondering if I over or under reacted?
We had our furnace replaced yesterday, and the heat/ac stopped working last night around 6pm. We let the landlord know, and he said that he would check it out today.
When I woke up at 5am this morning, I smelled the faint smell of gas. I went ahead and grabbed a quick shower, and then woke up my partner, who sort of smelled it, but wasn't sure. So he grabbed a quick shower while I packed, and then said he could definitely smell it in the bathroom. We woke up my niece, had her grab a quick shower and gather her stuff as we packed up the animals.
Total time from waking up to leaving - 1.5 hours. Too long? I also unplugged things and turned on lights, which I now know I'm not supposed to do.
Our landlord didn't want us to call the gas company, so we didn't, and he acted like it wasn't a big deal at all, so now I'm second guessing myself. Everything online was all "omg, get out of there" when I looked it up.
I'd far rather over react to this than under react, since, you know, death. but what would you have done, or have you done, in similar situations?