Neighborliness + Intarwebz = WIN! →[More:] So. Last night I was walking my dog. There was a guy out looking for his lost dog. He told me what the dog looked like and his address, but I only caught the number. I kept an eye out for the dog but didn't see him.
This morning I was idly surfing my Facebook feed when I saw a picture that dog. Here's how it came to be on my feed:
Someone found the dog and posted it to the "Justin/ Denton/ Fort Worth Area Dog-Supplies / Lost/ Found / Buy/ Sell" group. This is a very, very large area that would take more than an hour to drive across. Still, since it said found in South Ft Worth, an anonymous dog lover in the Fairmount Neighborhood (in the Near Southside of Ft Worth, about 8 miles north of me) group shared it there. A friend of mine who doesn't even live in that neighborhood shared the picture on her feed, which is where I saw it and instantly recognized the dog from the description.
So I posted up on the thread, but the only info I had was the house number from the address (I didn't catch the street). From the number I could tell it was a north-south street which was fortunate because most of the homes in my neighborhood are numbered on the east-west streets. I posted the number and the street I thought it was on.
I decided to go over to the house and when I did I met the woman who'd found the dog. The street I thought it was didn't actually have that address, but one block over (and right across from the finder's house) did match the number.
I'd printed out the picture so if they answered the door I could ask them if that was their dog. They weren't home, so we left the printout at their door and the finder scribbled a phone number on it.
About a half hour later they posted up on Facebook saying the the owners came home, called, and have their dog back.