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Comment Feed:


02 September 2013

so they gave Anthony Weiner a mic at the West Indian Day parade, and well, watch for yourself.
I said, oh no, before I watched the video. It was warranted. Although really, how much worse could things get? He might as well have donned blackface.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 September | 17:39
posted by Splunge 02 September | 18:12
Oh, really embarrassing.

Every time, I feel even worse for his wife. Who knew loyalty would be repaid so horribly?
posted by bearwife 02 September | 21:27
bearwife- I'm totally with you!
Huma, if you need to grab coffee with someone sympathetic, let me know.
posted by rmless2 03 September | 11:05
I miss NYC. If you can imagine it, it can happen in NYC. It's like the internet in real life.

I wonder how low Weiner will go? Seems like he's been an open book to everyone so far. What would a Mayoral stint by this guy look like?

And his wife...Give that lady a monument and a medal for personal strength!
posted by MonkeyButter 03 September | 11:09
Perhaps we should just send her strong drink.

I occasionally find myself wondering why she married him, then remember how much I used to like him, before finding out far too much about his personal wiener and its adventures.

She's in a no win situation in this marriage. I hope it is true that he is a wonderful guy at home, because every new antic from him further jeopardizes her previously glowing career prospects.
posted by bearwife 03 September | 11:47
It's kinda weird in that he's so on point with the accent that it's not really that offensive from what I see paying saying about it. It's more like embarrassing and kinda desperate and basically just funny.

Compare to something like Romney's "who let the dogs out" moment which was just way out of place
posted by Firas 03 September | 13:57
* people saying about it
posted by Firas 03 September | 15:08
I just- when you're trying to rehab your political carrer, don't you start in a lower office?Jumping at Mayor seems ...desperate.
posted by The Whelk 03 September | 19:08
Forty Days of Dating || Signing off emails with your initials--confusing? other thoughts?