Your August Goals...Show them to me. New month = new goals!
1. I will continue to rock my dance classes. (Sword and then zills on Mondays, Basics on Tuesdays, Bootcamp/choreography on Saturdays)
2. I will be productive at work and make significant progress on the collection I am working on. (I am currently being super lazy about typing it up. As of right now, x boxes remain.)
3. I will not fall on my face at Run or Dye on the 17th, even though I haven't been doing any sort of running/slow jogging since early May.
4. I will develop a new solo choreography that is not related to the Broadway or October haflas. (Mostly because I need something new for AKD's performances.)
5. I will make significant progress on my silver bra because I need that thing to be done by November.