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20 June 2013

First fruits These are the first strawberries I've gotten from my strawberry bed this season, and this is the first rhubarb. Silly thing to want to show off, perhaps, but it took two plantings to get a rhubarb bed going in my garden, and three before the strawberry patch took.
Those strawberries look absolutely delicious.
posted by Senyar 20 June | 11:31
You bake a fine looking cobbler. A mug of black coffee and I'd call that breakfast.
posted by Ardiril 20 June | 12:10
That looks terrific! I pretty much have given up on growing food in my yard. I do very well with flowers, but I think I'm the only person in the universe who's planted zucchini and gotten none. I just don't have the skills.
posted by JanetLand 20 June | 12:11
It is lucky we don't live near you or we'd be there, begging for them. Gorgeous!
posted by bearwife 20 June | 12:13
JanetLand, I think the factors that make plants flourish are largely beyond a gardener's control: light and micro climate and soil quality. If you used seeds, maybe they were old stock. Or the soil may not have been quite right for zucchini. Or maybe you just didn't get favourable weather the year(s) you tried.

I love teasing my mother about how my garden does better than hers — my garden blooms and bears earlier in the season, and things grow bigger. My irises, which I got from my mother, grow up to 4.5' tall, while hers are much smaller. But it's not because I'm a better gardener, because my mother has been gardening almost all her life while I've only been at it a few years and what little I know I learned almost entirely from her. No, my garden is doing well because it's very sheltered while getting lots of light and in a slightly warmer climate from hers — I think we're in different zones. I did enrich my soil a lot, but then so has she.

She knows all this, and just wants to throttle me when I rub it in about my having the better garden, which is why I do it.;-)
posted by Orange Swan 20 June | 13:09
Oh, those both look delicious! I have no luck growing things, either, except in my aerogarden inside. Which it's time to start up another round of herbs for the bunny in!
posted by needlegrrl 20 June | 15:24
Beautiful strawberries. I may have to try a strawberry patch. I like the giant ones at the grocery, but local berries are so tender and the taste is more intense.

Janet, there are lots of reasons for veggies to not grow. If you want to try again, the Cooperative Extension has master gardeners who can advise. You could try cherry tomatoes in a big container.
posted by theora55 21 June | 11:35
Bunny! OMG! || Photo Friday: Light play.