Question for Bloggers.. →[More:]Trying to make a long story short = At a recent estate auction, we purchased a cedar chest full of hundreds of love letters dated from 1926 to 1933, to and from a couple that were eventually married. The letters and cards are in pristine condition, kept in their envelopes, many with wax seals on the back. Reading through them, I've found them interesting (she has a bit of an attitude!) and I am looking for ways to share their story (at least a little). I thought perhaps a blog would be a neat way to get their writings out there? But I am rather limited computer-wise, so I have some questions.
Can you start a blog, and when you have sufficient pages, can you then go public with it?
Would it be copyright protected?
Is it possible to make money with a blog?
And any other tidbits/information would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you in advance.