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05 February 2013

Three-Point Tuesday Update, Go!
1. A quiet day today working from home. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but it was enough. I'm the top performer in my team and in the top 3 in the company so I shouldn't worry as much as I do about output.

2. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow, of the guy at work who was killed in a car crash in the snow 10 days ago. Bad weather is predicted for tomorrow and I have to drive along the same road, right past where he died. I'm not looking forward to either the journey or the funeral. A lot of people from work will be there, and we're meeting in advance at a nearby pub, so at least I won't be turning up there by myself.

3. On Thursday I'm giving a presentation at work on my area of specialism. I'm nervous about it. I've never had to talk and run a powerpoint slideshow at the same time. My assistant put the slideshow together for me, and the slides are short and punchy, so hopefully I can fill in the gaps. I hate presentations where people just read from the slides. My biggest fear is that I get asked a question and my mind goes blank. I'm fully expecting to have a dream the night before of walking in there nekkid.
posted by Senyar 05 February | 17:49
1. Got back from my long FL weekend ready to work this morning- and there were about 10,000 obstacles for me to conquer before I could get anything done. Boooooooooooooo. On the upside, I got an e-mail about the part-time MPH program that I could probably get tuition exemption for and thought, hmm, that might be looking into.

2. Had such a nice weekend getting some fresh air and family time in Florida with my parents. They had a great time seeing their grandson. Looking forward to.....

3. Going to FL again this weekend! Boca Raton, for the Walk for Life. I'll be meeting my bone marrow recipient! And my parents and youngest sister will be there! And probably my grandparents, too! So excited!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 February | 18:12
1. I am currently under the influence of vast quantities of percoset.

2. I am currently under the influence of vast quantities of percoset because I had surgery last Friday to remove some malingering girly bits that no longer wanted to play nice with the rest of my body.

3. I have had surgeries in similar climes before, and this one HURTS so much more than previous. Like, way more. As a result, my recovery has been slower than I had anticipated, and I have anxiety over not Getting My Shit Done in a Timely Fashion. There is not much else going on around here other than lying around feeling sorry for myself.

TPS, I didn't know you were a bone marrow donor! You go girl!
posted by msali 05 February | 21:41
Yup! Donated PBSC in September 2011.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 February | 22:19
1. Getting my hair cut tomorrow, yay! Long overdue.

2. Am currently up too late. Need to go to bed.

3. Still happy about the Ravens win. RAVENS!!!
posted by gaspode 05 February | 23:42
1. I cried many times both thinking about and then actually leaving New York City yesterday for the last time as a resident.

2. Upon our arrival in Minneapolis, my husband and mother-in-law had to use the bathroom and I watched their bags. An airport janitor came by to empty out the nearby trash can and started making conversation about where I was going, where I was from, etc. I pointedly pointed out that I was waiting for my husband and mother-in-law, and then turned my head away from him. He moved on.

And now I'm wondering if I was being too "New Yorker" and not Midwest "nice" enough.

3. Today we go look at used cars! I think I'm going to post my car survey question here because the range of answers I got when I did it on Facebook was interesting. I wonder what the distribution is going to be here.
posted by TrishaLynn 06 February | 05:39
Aw, I missed this yesterday.

1. Had dance class, which went pretty well. We went through my tribal troupe piece fairly quickly just to see if there were any kinks to work out and there's a few, but nothing too catastrophic.

2. I made delicious food for myself on Monday night, which was a pleasant gift to myself Tuesday night when I got home from dance class and was hungry and I just needed to pop some Tupperwares in the microwave and could eat them in bed. Yum.

3. I need to be better organized about what I need to do and on what days I need to do it. I have many balls in the air and don't want to miss anything.
posted by sperose 06 February | 09:44
Oh, good. I'm not the first one to post after Tuesday. :)

1. Been trying to work through a work slump. There's plenty to do, and it's even halfway interesting, but I Just. Don't. Care.

2. Hubby had to leave his job, and cringed when I suggested we just up and leave this damned town now instead of waiting for kidlet to finish elementary (another year and a half) So he's being picky about jobs, which is irritating me along with #1. The good part of this, though is that he's set a deadline for being too picky and it's coming up soon.

3. Huh, don't have a 3 except that looking at those two I'm just getting mad. I think I see my problem.
posted by lysdexic 06 February | 11:03
1. Woke up on the wrong side of cranky this morning, which I'm trying to wash out of my system with music. So far, so good.

2. Work is meh. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, which should be resolved by knocking some things off my to do list, and then I should be good. (So what am I doing here? :P )

3. Finally seeing results with weight watchers, which is great (hmm, finally following plan = losing weight? who would have thought?) but now I need to stick with it.
posted by needlegrrl 06 February | 12:07
1. Getting over a really rough cold that made going dress shopping this weekend not as much fun as I wold have hoped. My mom came into town and we saw some nice things but I was wishing I was in bed for most of it.

2. Having a bad run of it at work this week, with me making little mistakes in procedure and then an uncomfortable argument over the spec of an upcoming release which I wanted to change but everyone got mad. And they were mostly right, I should have noticed these things earlier. It is just business but I am feeling pretty sensitive about it for whatever reason.

3. Leaving for a weekend vacation with my best friend on Friday which will be really good. I have been traveling a ton but not for fun, and I am hoping this will remind me why I like it. also maybe it will help kick this cold to be somewhere else.
posted by rmless2 06 February | 12:14
1. Work is rotten.

2. Life outside work is rotten.

3. Thank goodness I have books to read.
posted by JanetLand 06 February | 12:51
1. Happily at home for the evening as I've given up on prenatal yoga. I didn't care much for the instructor who essentially took over the class and figured it wasn't doing me any good if I wasn't enjoying it.

2. Work is a combination of boringness (I hate doing process work) and annoyance (because another set of people have no freakin' idea what the hell they're doing). Plus I'm feeling eh about my new manager (though it's not HR official yet).

3a. I had a short chat with the doula I hired. I know everyone has their biases but she kind of annoyed me (mostly because of information that's been shown for a number of years to be incorrect).

3b. Which reminds me I need to make a list of questions for my ob.

3c. 40 days and counting
posted by bluesapphires 06 February | 17:11
1. Catching up on paperwork. I don't do paperwork well. I found out that my private disability insurer is deducting Georgia state income taxes. I haven't lived in Georgia since 2004. I wonder who else has been siphoning off my income, and for how long. I don't do paperwork at well.

2. I found Sookie's adoption papers. She is 5 years old this month. Happy birthday, Sookie.

3. Taking advantage of Netflix's free one month membership, and I only found a dozen or so shows to watch. If I can get a free month every couple years, I should be well able to keep up.

3a. I strongly recommend The IT Crowd.
posted by Ardiril 06 February | 18:07
1. Happy birthday, Sookie!

2. I've been slacking on eating and exercising lately, but have been trying to pull it back together, and it's been working, so that's been good.

3. I found a good health food store nearby; I assumed it was just a vitamin/supplement place, but they also have all sorts of frozen meats (made a grass-fed ribeye tonight! So good!) and bath products and juices and such. Yay!
posted by occhiblu 06 February | 23:39
3a. Weather could be a serious problem- my flight is scheduled for Saturday afternoon! And they're still not sure if it's going to be a little or a lot of snow in NYC. I'm having a mental breakdown.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 07 February | 15:01
King Richard III found under a parking lot. I find this fascinating. || Matthew Wilder: a jazzy man with a moustach